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~ Chapter Twenty-One: You ran away ~

I awoke when I could no longer breathe. I sat up, coughing. My throat and everything else that had originally hurt felt immensely better. My headache was gone. I no longer felt faint.

Was I dead? I slowly sat up. No. This place didn't look like a heaven, but it definitely wasn't a hell. It was an extremely light grey room, that almost looked between green and white.

I took note of my surroundings. I was sitting on top of a comfy bed in plain black sheets and comforter, which would explain why I felt warm. There was a rectangular window and the side of the room opposite to the door with a white frame. There was what I assumed to be a brown closet. Next to me was a nightstand that had a glass of water and my wand.

How did that get there? How did I get here? Where was I?

Focus. I remembered that I had been at school. The new headmaster yelled into the intercom for us to evacuate. There was a blazing fire. Draco got me away. Draco, where was he? Was he alright?

My heart sped up thinking about him. He must know where we are. I need to see him. I need to thank him, more importantly. He wouldn't let me die. He cared about me. He got me out of the fire and took me somewhere else. He found a way to keep me alive. How close was I away from dying back there? How long have I been asleep?

The door opened and I hoped my questions would be answer.

A house elf walked through and looked at me. He looked surprised to see me awake.

"Miss Dawlish, you have awoken. It's a good thing, too. Mr.Draco would not stop talking when he arrived, all about you."

"Where is Draco?" I ask.

I look down and see that I am in a silk black dress. Everything in this room was nearly black and white, but I felt that there were secrets spoken here.

"The Malfoys are discussing in the kitchen. Miss Dawlish, would you like-?" The house elf looked annoyed when I cut him off.

"Please call me Emma."

"Miss Emma, would you like anything besides water?" He asked.

Some answers would be nice, but I didn't say that. "I'm at Malfoy Manor, aren't I?"

The house elf nodded, almost bitterly. "You are."

"What's your name?" I say curiously, moving my feet to the ground. Surprisingly, they were bare.

"My name is Von, Miss Emma." He says. "Would you like anything besides the water? It's about an hour old, I can get you some fresh water."

I remember Maxe, Dobby, Kreacher, and the others that Hermione tried to help. I could see that Von was doing his job, asking me if I wanted anything, and just answering questions.

"This is good. Thank you, Von." I smiled at him. I feel bad for house elves. They work their whole lives for very little pay and have to do hard jobs usually.

He looked at me again, as if trying to decide something. In a goodbye tone, he said, "I will go inform the Malfoys that you are awake."

"That's alright, Von. I'll go do it myself." I say, making sure after I stood that the bed looked neat.

I didn't see my clothes anywhere. I should probably check the closet, but I didn't want to do that with Von standing there.

"If you are sure, Miss Emma." He bowed and started to turn.

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