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~ Year 3 ~
~ Chapter Three: A scary nice dog ~

"Draco, don't do it!" I laughed.

Draco Malfoy put on a dog mask, mockingly. I was terrified of dogs so seeing them joking around made it a little okay.

I wouldn't have laughed if I knew it was Harry's godfather that we were making fun of. I should've been smarter and less ignorant.

We were in Potions class and I had no friends with me, so I was hanging out with a new group: Malfoy, Nott, Crabbe, Goyle, Woody, and Smith, along with a few other girls. Theo Nott normally wasn't in this group, he just found something to laugh it.

"I'm Pansy Parkinson," A brunette said to me.

I smiled politely and shook her hand. "I'm Emma."

"I'm Carlin Jameson ," a blonde says.

"And I'm June Carpenter," a black haired girl said with dark skin.

"Hi." I said.

I was literally surrounded by Slytherins and I didn't see what was so bad about them.

Almost all of my friends were thirteen already but my birthday isn't until May the seventh. It sucked not getting to see my muggle friends most the year, but we did see each other in summer, when my father let me hang out with them. He seemed anxious ever since the Dark Lord has been claimed to be back, though he wouldn't say much.

"Take.... your..... seats..." Professor Snape said.

The tables were set up in rows of ten and there were three rows. I sat on the corner seat in the middle and I noticed that Draco took the seat behind me. Pansy took the seat next to me and the class filed in. Theodore sat on my other side. Lucas wasn't in this class with me.


At lunch, I sat next to Hermione and Harry sat on my right. Ron was across from Harry. Ginny, Ron's younger sister, was across from Hermione and sitting next to Ginny, across from me, is Lucas Gray. After what happened last year with Tom Riddle's diary, my friends and I have started to not take as many things for granted. We've grown closer and I have spent more time with Ginny.

"Escaped prisoner, Sirius Black..." Neville Longbottom reads the paper.

As normal, the boys were eating a lot. I turned around and I caught Draco looking at me. He didn't look away, embarrassed. Instead, he smirked and then continued talking to his friends, after looking away. What was that about?

If I was to make a list of people who really were my friends, I actually would have Draco on that list. We don't talk much, but we talk at least once a week, ever since our early morning conversation last year. I liked to think he considered me as a friend, too. I know my closer friends wouldn't like me and Draco spending time together. He was arrogant, but so what? He wasn't a bad guy. He just seemed misunderstood. I wish they could understand that. Except he still called me Princess.

"Hey Em," Harry said. He turned around to see who I was looking at so I quickly turned back to the table and stuffed food in my mouth.

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