5 1/2

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~ Year 5 ~
~ Draco Malfoy's POV ~
~ Chapter 5 1/2: This is a fair warning ~

Life is never fair. Life isn't perfect, either. Being the 'Slytherin Prince' definitely had its pros, but it also had its' disadvantages. I could get almost anything I wanted. Hence the word almost.

The one thing I knew I couldn't get: Emma Dawlish. It's not that she was just someone to pick up, like a toy, and then throw away. That's cruel. I felt different about her.

I was drawn to her. We were really good friends, actually. I really liked her. And when I realized that, life got even more difficult.


Crabbe, Goyle, and a couple of other Slytherins were in the dorm room with me. One of them, Carter Woody, a pure-blood, was celebrating his birthday. He dared me, Crabbe, Goyle, and Landon Smith, a halfblood, to play Love-Dare game.

"Do you all know how to play?" Woody grinned.

Crabbe and Goyle shook their heads no. Of course. I was a bit curious, but did keep my mouth shut about why Blaise wasn't invited.

"Okay, listen up. I write down five girls' names and we each draw one after the papers are shuffled. Whichever name we get, you have to get that girl to fancy you. One rule: you are not allowed to fall for her. And when they fall for you, you break their hearts. Also, you can never tell anyone of the game or you automatically lose and all bets are off."
Seems interesting. But dangerous.

"I have five names here for us five: Hermione Granger, Gryffindor," when he said that I sneered. "Luna Lovegood, Ravenclaw," I don't know her. "Emma Dawlish, Gryffindor," She would be a challenge. One I didn't want to accept.

He continued, "Laurie Hart, Hufflepuff, and Boo Shields, our Slytherin. They're all in our year. Crabbe, Goyle, let me go over this slowly again. You will each draw a name. There is one Hufflepuff, two Gryffindors, one Slytherin, and two Ravenclaws. You get them to fall for you and you win the prize. If I'm the first person, you guys don't get to know what the prize is and I get to keep it. Everyone understand?"

Four heads nodded.

"Okay, Smith, you first."

He grabbed a paper out of Woodys' hands and looked at it. "I got Booie Shields, our girl."

"Crabbe." He did the same, "Laurie her-Heart." He says, mispronouncing her last name.

"Goyle." Once again, the slow-poke blinked a few times before realizing what occurring. "Luna Lovegood." He looks up.

"Malfoy," Woody nods at me.
There was two papers left. The two mudbloods.

Carefully, I picked the one with a cut edge and read: Emma Dawlish.


"Emma Dawlish," I repeat, my heart uncommonly loud.

"That means.." He looks at his paper, confirming. "I have Granger. I have to make Hermione Granger fall in love with me."

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