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~ Year 6 ~
~ Chapter Six: I am not a muggle-born ~

        Voldemort has returned to power, and his wrath has been felt in both the Muggle and Wizarding worlds. Narcissa Malfoy meets with Severus Snape. Snape makes an Unbreakable Vow to Narcissa, promising to protect her son, Draco, who refuses to take help.

   [ Harry Potter's Perspective ]

    Dumbledore heads to Privet Drive to take Harry for the school year. On their way to the Burrow, Harry and Dumbledore stop to recruit Horace Slughorn to return to teaching at Hogwarts.

       Harry is back at the Burrow, with Ron as Hermione. He asked why Emma wasn't there, and Percy answered, "You remember who her father is. We can't have him finding out where we live."

      When shopping for schoolbooks, Harry finds Draco and follows him to Borgin and Burkes, where he overhears Draco threatening Borgin and insisting that he fix an unknown object. Harry is instantly suspicious of Draco. He also believe him to be a Death Eater.

       Dumbledore schedules regular meetings with Harry in which they use Dumbledore's pensieve to look at memories of those who have had direct contact with Voldemort. Dumbledore believes that if Harry can learn enough about Voldemort's history, it will help him when they fight face to face, as the prophecy of Harry foretells.

      Harry learns about Voldemort's family, his grandfather Marvolo, his uncle Morfin, and his mother Merope, who cast a love spell on a Muggle and was abandoned by him when it wore off. Tom Riddle was left at an orphanage.

    Harry also learns that Voldemort has divided his soul into seven Horcruxes. Two of these, Tom Riddle's diary and Marvolo's ring, have already been destroyed. One is in Voldemort, one resides in a snake, one is Merope's locket, and the other two are suspected to be hidden in objects belonging to Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor.

   [ Emma Dawlish's Perspective ]

    The students return to school, and Dumbledore announces that Professor Snape will be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts.

      Harry receives a used Potions textbook that once belonged to someone named "The Half-Blood Prince." Spells and are written in the book, and Harry uses the Prince's notes to excel at Potions. It flusters Hermione and I; we are usually the best at this, though my grades have been slipping.

       Ron starts to date Lavender and it makes Hermione insanely jealous. Hermione was the one who knew the most about Draco and I last year. She hasn't bothered to ask about it now that she has her own problems. I know not to fall into my thoughts, because that will turn out to be bad, the way it did for my mom.

      Harry and I feel stuck in the middle of our friends' arguing. Eventually, Harry falls in love with Ginny, Ron's sister, and Ron and Lavender break up, making Hermione quite happy, who doesn't ask about Draco, but we still stay best friends and talk all the time.

       I have been in my own world lately, talking to mainly Lucas and Hermione. Draco is in many of my classes and won't even look my way. He is always one of the first to leave the classes and hardly talks to anyone except his new girlfriend, Pansy Parkinson, and Crabbe, Goyle, Woody, and Smith.

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