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I run through the hallway of Ruby Palace where I know Diana is giving birth. As I enter the hall, I couldn't help but gasp seeing all the blood stains on the floor and the wall. I know that Claude has been feeling angry and betrayed but this is not how it's supposed to be!

As I run there, I saw Claude standing with sword covered in blood, his jewel blue eyes were cold and as he was about to swing the sword down to the little baby who cry on the floor. I run and immediately take the baby and cover her, pulling her onto my embrace.

"No! Claude stops it!" I called out.

"Mimi... Step aside," he says in cold demanding voice as he glares down at me.

I shook my head with tears brimming on my eyes, trying to console the crying infant and protect her from her father.

"No Claude... Your Majesty, please... Don't do this. She is just a baby... She doesn't know anything... She doesn't do anything wrong," I say.

"Step aside Princess Lucélia," Claude says and I flinch because he never calls me with my first princess name, unless he is angry or irritated.

"Your Majesty... Please have mercy on her. I beg of you as a woman who has been with you for long time... as your friend... Please Claude, let her live," I beg.

Claude looks at me before sheathed his bloody sword and turn around with a final cold look on his eyes, "Let's see if that child can leave up their name's expectation." He walks out from the Ruby Palace followed by Felix who bow slightly and give a weak smile.

I sigh in relief and look at the little infant on my arm. Golden blonde hair and jewel blue eyes... She is indeed no doubt of the Obelian Royalty blood, Claude's daughter. I shushed the crying infant and the cries turn into sniffle, "You're lucky my dear girl... The stars have blessed you and I will protect you as I promised your mother. Your mother loves you, dear little Athanasia," I say and place a chaste kiss on her forehead.

Diana... She is beautiful and I promise to take care and protect her as much as I can. 

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now