Chapter 16

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It's been a week since our visit to Stella and we had returned home. We had been busy with works ever since. We don't even have time to talk or greet each other. I have just finished some works and decided to take a rest, especially its passed dinner time.

I remember what Mom and Grandma Inanna had said to me. They are talking about a child that come from me and Claude ourselves. Athanasia who will face hardship in the future in which she needs emotional tether. But, is siblings really going to help Athanasia to overcome her hardship in the future?

I was deep in my thought that I didn't realize that the door to my room is opened and enter my dear husband.

"You look so lost, Mimi... Are you feeling well?"

I look up to be greet by his jeweled blue eyes and his stoic face and seeing him in his glory of the Obelian robe. I slightly bow to him before smile, "I am fine Your Majesty... The work just has been piled up since we return from Stella. Perhaps I'm tired..."

He nods slightly in understanding. He approaches me and gently pull me to his side. His hands are on my waist, his eyes were staring at me gently.

"Perhaps you need some rest... Let Gracie did half of your workload," he says, "Felix did the same to me."

I chuckle, "Claude... I think you're just being a bit meanie because you must have given him your work without saying anything."

He went silence and I smirk. I guess correctly. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck, "My dear husband... You should have taken your own responsibility with your work you know." I remind him.

"Most of the paperwork that was given to me are mostly about proposals and demanding of some goods that we already arrange beforehand. It is unnecessary for them to ask even higher," he explain.

"I see... It seems that you also having hard time like me... We should rest then," I say.

He then holds my hand and grasp my chin gently, "There is something that has been bothering you..."

I close my eyes and sigh. Claude is perceptive towards me. It has been like that since we know each other, as we married his perceptiveness towards me heightens and it is impossible to hide things from him. But I could not tell him that Athy will get hard time in the future. Future is something that we as God's and Goddess' descent are not allow to share. It is forbidden and we have to keep it that way so the balance will be intact. But the idea of children... How should I tell him?


I look at his stoic face and slightly cold jeweled blue eyes, he is growing annoyed. I have no other choice then...

"My mother and Inanna told me somethings back in Stella. It has something to do with future and our well-being along with future of our monarch and family," I say.

He looks at me intently, telling me to continue the conversation, "They told me that future ahead there will lots of things happening, which they didn't told me in detail. They also mention about... children..." I turn lowly, "children of our own..."

Claude then grasps my chin and make me look at him directly, "What do you think about the children of our own?"

"W-What do you mean by that? I told them that I will think about it. I need to talk to you first about this. It needs two people to make a child, Claude. So, it is not solely my opinion," I explain.

"I already mention it to you before Mimi... I do not mind we have our own children," he says.

I went silence. Claude likes to have our own child... To give Athy little brother or sister. He is ready... But am I ready? I love children... But am I ready to have one? I feel Claude's soft and slightly callous hand caress the side of my cheeks. Instinctively I hold that hand and lean myself to his hand, closing my eyes.

"I am willing to wait if that is what you're thinking of... I shall not force you to have one," he assures me.

Claude is kind despite his cold and stoic persona... He always treats me gentle. Being his wife and being the one who able to bring back his love emotions really make me happy.

"I am ready Claude... I would love to conceive our child and give our daughter a sibling that will protect her and be there for her," I says.

He looks at me and pull me in for a kiss just as the moonlight seeped inside the window. A passionate kiss that makes my heart beats faster, all my body seems tingling and shiver in delight, carving for his attention in more ways than one. He picks me up and then gently lay me down on the bed. He continued to kiss me with passion.

I pull away from the kiss because I need to breathe... I could feel my face is all flushed and my body feels warm. Looking into his jeweled blue eyes that make me in trance. I caress his face gently and smile before he kisses my neck and caress my side...

Tonight, will be full of passionate love making. Only us two and the joining of our bodies.

The union that will prepared for the birth of our own children...


Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now