Chapter 19

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"Your Majesty! Please don't push yourself like this!"

"No... I have to... I... I pro-promise..."

"Your Majesty!"

I put all of my divine celestial power in order to stabilize Athy. Athanasia, please hang in there, I will heal you.

"Mimi! That is enough!" Claude said as his mana flare and try to swallow the divine mana that has been fused to control Athy's.

"No! Claude, I can do it..." I say.

Then I feel dizzy and unknowingly I feel a trickle of blood come from my nose.


"Your Majesty!"

I feel drained and about to faint. I fall back and I could strong arm wrapped around me tightly. Claude... I bury myself on his embrace as he holds me.

He checked me over for a moment, "Mimi... Don't push yourself more... You are with child. For your sake and my sake... I couldn't bear the thought of have to see another woman that I've loved being taken because of the child inside them."

I look at him and I feel guilty... That is not something that I want to happen again for him. If that happen... I don't think he will stay sane, seeing Athanasia like this in the brink of death already cause him such pain. I caress his cheek and bury my face on his torso, "I apologize... I shall not do it again... I promise."

Then as Claude help me stand up, leaning on his arm all the while worrying over Athy. After that, some mages have come to check over Athy. At night, I sit on the bedside table, holding her hand and hold back my tears all the while praying to the Gods and Goddesses to heal her. All I know that what holds Athy now that make her still alive is the necklace around her neck and the God of the Sun and God of the Moon blessing.

I just want my daughter back... I kiss her forehead and try my best to ease her ache without giving and spoiling too much of my divine magic...

"Please wake up soon, my beloved little star, Athanasia... Mommy misses you..."


"Your Majesties! The Princess has awoken. Princess?! Do you know who I am?" Ask Felix.

I hurriedly get closer look to Athy before she whimpered and scream, "Mommy!! Daddy!! It hurts!!" She screams as she keeps on holding her chest and tears streaming down her face.

I take her hand and try my best in consoling her, "Athanasia... It's alright... Mommy's here. I'm sorry you will be alright soon," I say in tears also as she sobs on my embrace all the while writhing in agony and clenching my dress, I try my best to soothe her by planting all kisses on her all the while maintaining a divine aura around me to ease her pain but it's not working.

"Claude... What should we do? Athy is...." I mumbled while crying and consoling her.

"What do you think you're doing? I told you to heal her. What on earth did you do to make her condition worse?" Claude asked coldly and I could feel his mana is trying to start flaring.

"I beg your pardon, Your Majesties. But the Princess' condition has not worsened. The protection necklace around the Princess and the blessing of the Gods inside her work well and keeping her mana to stay in control as much as it can. It is only because she is conscious now that she is feeling pain. There isn't anything we can do when her mana is leaping to and from inside her body like this..." explain the healer magician.

"So, I told you to find a solution, and yet you don't even have the decency to be ashamed of your incompetence. It seems that necklace and blessing is the only thing that try to make her better," Claude said.

"I B, Beg your forgiveness, Your Majesty. But I am the most knowledgeable among the royal magicians when it comes to mana abnormalities. It is unlikely that another magician will be of help to the Princess at this stage... "

I flinch as I feel the spike of power coming from Claude just as he said, "Do you wish to die?"

I pull Athy close as she sniffles trying to bear the ache. I whisper sweet nothings to her, "It's alright Athy... Mommy and Daddy will try our best to heal you... Mommy's here..." I said trying my best to not let she listen or look at Claude being like this.

"You have an intricate way of asking to be killed. Bring in another magician. And lock him in the dungeon." The sounds of the magician begging for forgiveness echoed, "If you wish to live, try harder with that pea brain of yours. If you continue to say the same useless things, I'll start cutting of your limbs one by one before I chop your head off."

I feel Claude approach us, I looked up at Claude, my amber gold eyes glistening with tears and Athy on my arm wailing. I look at him desperately, I do not know what else I could do, my divine magic power is not even doing much to heal her, especially since I also have to protect our baby. I do not want to let anything happen to this baby just as I don't want anything happen to Athy. I feel so conflicted and scared.

"Claude... I... I..." I managed to say and he look at me before he wipes my tears away with his hand and approach Athy.

"I, it hurts... Daddy, Mommy it hurts... waaa...!"

Claude's eyes look solemn as he decided to cover his hands on Athy's head, "You're too noisy, go to sleep."

With that Athy fallen asleep. I sobbed and tuck her in while still in tears. I gritted my teeth and clench my hand. I... I feel like I failed protecting her... I... I couldn't even heal her... 

I turn around right on Claude's arm

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I turn around right on Claude's arm. He holds me as I cry on his arm while clenching his robe, "I... I can't do anything much... Claude... I don't want something bad happen to our daughter. I... I couldn't bear with it..." I say in midst of my crying and as he holds me tightly without saying anything. This silence and on his arm are somehow comforting...

Please let Athanasia be alright... 

I don't want to lose her... 

I don't want to lose my daughter

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now