Chapter 1

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It's been a week since Diana's death and birth of Athanasia. Claude has lock himself up inside his room and rarely show any appetite to eat. That stubborn cold man! I know he is devastated because of his lover's death but doing something like this is not going to bring her back to live!

I walk to Claude's quarter and sigh. I saw a maid about to knock and I stop her.

"Blessing to the House of Endless River Stars, the Princess Lucélia," says the maid as she curtsied while holding the tray.

"Is it for His Majesty?"

"Yes, Your Highness. The Emperor has not touched his food since morning. It's already lunch time now," explain the maid.

I sigh and give a small smile, "Give it to me, I'll take it to His Majesty," I say.

"Your Highness?! Surely, we could not trouble Your Highness. This is the servants' job, it wouldn't be right," the maid says look startled and frightened.

"No problem... I will make sure that His Majesty will eat his lunch, you may go back to finish your chores," I say.

The maid looks troubled before whisper a 'Yes Your Highness' before bowing and excuse herself. I shook my head and I walked in without a knock, knowing that Claude will not answer.

"Claude de Alger Obelia," I call out as I see him standing by the window looking outside before looking back at me with his cold Jewel blue eyes.

"It is impolite for barging into an Emperor's room, Princess Lucélia," he says.

I look at him and glare before walking to the coffee table and put down the tray.

"Claude..." I call.


"Claude... Please stop this. This is not healthy for you. You're not supposed to do this," I lightly told him as I walk closer and stand in front of him by few steps.

"That is not of your concern, Princess," he retorts before looking outside again.

I look into his eyes and could see hint of hurt, betrayed and longing there. I bit my lip and look down before I touch his face and make him look at me. His cold eyes then dimmed and the sadness loneliness inside those jewel blue eyes make my heart clench.

"Claude... I know it is hard for you to lose someone that you heart-fully loved. I lost someone too Claude... I lost my best friend. It might be different, but the situation and the pain left behind is the same. But please Claude..."

I try my best to stop from myself from crying in front of him but it just so hard. The pain is unbearable... I love Diana as a sister and best friend. Seeing her dead is sickening and painful. But I do not want to lose someone I love again and I don't want him to withered away. Losing Diana is already enough.

"I... I don't want you withered away Claude... I don't want to lose someone I love ever again... So please... please Claude..."

Tears drop and I feel a finger wipe my tear and I blink and looked up. His eyes despite the cold look, the hurt, sadness and pain were there. He leans down and bury his head on my shoulder while his hands clench in fist and I heard his soft sobs.

We don't need anything else but comfort of being there for one another. We both lost someone we loved and even though its hurtful, we need to step forward. And as I caress his hair, he fell asleep.

(Claude's POV)

I wake up and find myself on the couch. The place that always give me comfort ever since she passed. I've been looking for a spell that can erase my memory over Her. I feel something soft holding my hand and look down to see Mimi sleeping with tear-streaked face as she sitting down by the couch.

How cruel this fate. It wasn't just me who was hurt, she got hurt too. I made up my mind... I cast the spell on both me and Mimi. As the spell casted, the aura seems dark and it was suffocating. I hold it in and as I saw Mimi's face scrunched in a frown and pain I could only whisper...

"I'm sorry Mimi... But this is the best for both of us..."

I lock down our memories with Her.

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now