Chapter 20

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A little boy come one day and I could feel his strong mana. He is no ordinary mage. I was anxious and worry but as soon as we get the time, me, Claude and Felix immediately come to the room and I couldn't believe myself and when I see Athy sitting on the bed already wake up. Tears streaming down on my face...

"Athy!" I called.

She jumps from the bed and run towards us, "Daddy!! Mommy!!" As she run, she accidentally trip and right on time Claude immediately catch her before he suddenly lifts her up.

"Are you still feeling sick?" Claude asked, scanning her.

Athy then look at him for a moment before shook her head in silence. I smile and then kiss Athy on the forehead and smile.

"I am so glad that you are okay, my little star," I say and hold her hand while smiling with tears on my face.

"There won't be any other side effects?" Claude asked the young magician.

"Daddy, that man!"

Then the boy coughs heavily and I feel worry, "Ah, it seems I may have used up almost all of my power to heal the princes."

"Certainly, you deserve praise for your hard work. Of course, that will be after we confirm that the Princess is completely recovered," said Claude.

Then the little magician sobs, "I beg your pardon, Your Majesty, but the Princess is still not completely healed."

"What do you mean she's not completely healed?"

I look at the magician boy confuse and the feeling of anxiousness start creeping on me. Athy is not completely healed?

"I beg your forgiveness, I am still but a boy in training, and I was not able to stabilize the Princess' mana completely. But the worst has passed, so her mana will slowly be returning to its place now... kegh! This sort of thing may happen a few more times in the, kegh, future, but I'll make sure that when that happens... I will sacrifice my body to help the Prince... Ugh, kegh kegh!"

Oh no... I checked the boy over and I could feel the lack of mana. He really did try his best to heal Athanasia.

"Claude... It is better for the warlock to rest. He has been doing hard for our Athy. We could hear the details later, my love," I say as I look at Claude.

"Her Highness is correct, Your Majesty. I think it would be best if we give him some rest first. It seems the young warlock has exhausted himself.

"Very well." Claude said.

I stand up, "Felix, please help guide the young warlock to his room for resting. Thank you, Little Warlock," I say and he smile gently before excuse himself.

I approach Claude and Athy and I smile as I feel relieve that Athy has been feeling much better.


It's been months since that... I was on my chamber in Empress Palace while feeling such pain on my stomach. The baby is coming.

"Ahhhh...." I scream in agony because my labor has starts.

"Please endure it Your Majesty... It will be over soon," says the midwife.

I continue to scream and keeping my breathing just as instructed. I want Claude....

"Ahhh!! Please make it stop... I... I cannot... Ahh I want Claude... I can't do this w-without him.... AGHHHH!!!"

"Please Your Majesty, His Majesty is waiting on the audience room... You can do it just push one more time... The baby almost out," they say.

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now