Chapter 4

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The wedding party has not even closed to an end, but as the newlywed, me and Claude decided to retire. It is expected for Emperor and Empress after they get married to spend a night together and expected to consummate their union. I sit down at the edge of the bed in Claude's room while waiting for him return from his study room. I put on my long white Grecian style nightgown with golden sash around the waist.

I stand up from the bed and walk to the window looking up at the starry night sky. It is such a beautiful night indeed... I glance at my wedding ring which shines under the seeping moonlight. I am married... married to Claude.

Just then I heard a door opened and look at the doorway to see walk in with his Obelian robe. His jewel blue eyes meet my jewel amber ones. His face despite he is handsome... That cold, distant and stoic look make my heart hurts.

"I see you've been waiting Mimi..." he says as he approaches the bed and sit on it.

"You should sleep Claude... You have an audience to go to in the morning," I say from my spot.


It was such an awkward silence... The silence is unbearable and suffocating somehow. I don't know what to say nor he knows what to say either. We are married now and we stuck for eternity together. I look at him again and he looks so sad and tired...

I touch his shoulder and he look at me emotionless. There is nothing more to say... I know what is it he is feeling. I give a soft smile, "I'll be here for you from now and then... I'm your Empress... your wife but before all of that, I am still and will always be your friend. I will not leave you... I didn't leave you before nor will I leave you then..."

Without saying anything, he lay his head on my lap and close his eyes. I absentmindedly caress his soft golden blond hair and hum a lullaby. The lullaby that always make him sleep ever since we were children.


"Yes Claude?"


"No matter what is the future coming up ahead... You are not alone. I know you might have closed off your emotion, we will go through this together..."

His jewel blue eyes met my jewel amber eyes before he put his hand on my cheeks and I give him a soft smile. I was quite surprised when suddenly I feel myself being pushed down to the bed and there Claude hover above me. I nods at him and he plant a kiss on my neck trailing down to the valley of my chest... Seeing his emotionless jewel blue eyes staring at me, I understand and I give myself to him...

It is a duty as his wife and the Empress... Under the seeping moonlight, I am completely under his mercy. No love only duty, carnal pleasure and perhaps also lust.


It's been almost a year since the wedding and our union. There are lots of things happening around us. Lots of paper-works to finish. I know it is difficult as an Empress but I didn't know it will be THIS MUCH difficulties! I am bored, tired and feeling like to want tear all of my hair!

"Ahhhhh!!!! I am so bored!!! So many papers work to finish! Claude does not even helpful! That man really tested my patience!"

I heard chuckle and look up to see Gracie Lancaster, my knight trying her best to not laugh out loud at my whining and I glare at her which in return she smiles and let out a light chuckle.

"Your Majesty, you always been so expressive and childlike like this. I found it to be cute and very lovable," she says smiling.

I pout before lean my head on the desk and groan, "Ahhh!!! I need a break!"

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now