Chapter 21

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The news of the birth of First Prince of Obelia and second Princess of Obelia with the Empress survive and healthy after childbirth are welcomed by everyone in Obelia. The people celebrate festivities for such joyous occasion.

I have been resting for 2 weeks after giving birth. Claude has forbidden me to finish all of Empress' duty while I was resting because he wants to make sure that I completely heal and no complications that happen. He even sends the young magician boy which I learned to be name Lucas to make sure that I am healing properly by checking me twice every day.

Athy has been with me most of the time since I give birth and despite, she is still 7 years old, she is very helpful and very attentive to her little siblings. I watch as the twins play with Athy and hearing them giggle together as I watch and drink the herbal tea that Lucas suggested will help my divine magic mana recharge.

"Mommy! Mommy! Rhaegar and Rhaenys seems to be sleepy, because their eyes dropped," says Athy from her spot on my bed.

"Are they?" I ask and she nods.

I approach them and just like what Athy said, my twin stars are indeed tired.

"You're right... Do you want to help Mommy put your siblings to bed, Athy?" I ask and she nods eagerly.

"Yes! Athy would love to help." She spoke.

Athy prepare the twins bed as I breastfed the twins. After sometime, I told Athy how to burp the baby and remind her to be as gentle as possible because they are still small. She takes Rhaenys and gently burp her with a huge smile. I said thanks to Athy and we put the twins on my bed and watch them sleep peacefully.

I smile, "You are an amazing sister, Athy... Mommy is so proud of you," I say and kiss her on the cheeks.

"Athy loves Mommy, Rhaegar, and Rhaenys a lot! Athy also want to be helpful, so Mommy will not get too tired," she says.

"My sweet little star, how could you grow up so fast?" I slightly squeal and then pull her tightly on my embrace as I nuzzle her cheeks which she giggles.

Just then the door to my room open and Claude enter with Felix. Athy hurriedly run to him while calling out "Daddy!!" He looks at Athy and pick her up, "Not too loud Athanasia... You might make your siblings cry."

"Athy is sorry but Daddy! Athy helps Mommy put Rhaegar and Rhaenys to sleep," she says with huge smile.


"Wahhh Princess you are such good sister!" says Felix.

"You're annoying... Felix leaves us."

I chuckle as seeing the downcast look from Felix before he excuses himself. Claude is still jealous of Athy's attention and charm to Felix. He then approaches me and I smile and plant a gentle kiss on Claude's cheeks, "You're here, my love..."

"Did the twins just sleep?" He asked me as he look at our twins who are sleeping soundly on the bed while still carrying Athy.

"Yes... They just sleep. Its late also, we should take Athy to her room." I say.

Athy then pout, "But Athy wants to sleep here with Daddy and Mommy and Rhaegar and Rhaenys. Can't Athy do that?" She asks with sparkle eyes.

I smile and boop her nose, "Of course you can, my little star. But I have to remind you that your new siblings might wake up in the early morning and cry. Would you be okay with that?" I ask.

"Yes! Athy doesn't mind!"

"Well then if you say so... Go change your clothes okay," I say kissing her forehead.

"Okay Mommy!!"

With that Claude put her down and Felix come to take her to Emerald Palace for changing into her nightwear. Claude sits down on the edge of the bed and watch over the twins. He looked at me and offer his hand which I gladly took and he pull me into his arm. I lean my back on his torso as we both watch our children.

"How are you feeling Claude? Since you have just gained two children other than Athy," I say.

"I'm just glad that you're not leaving me..." He said.

"Claude..." I take his hand and gently put it on my cheeks and plant a kiss on his wrist, "I have told you that I will not leave you... Have you ever doubted me so, my love?"


I kiss his lips gently and he kissed back as gentle. We pull away and I look into his jeweled blue eyes as he looked into my amber gold eyes. I caress his cheeks and smile, "I love you and I promise to not ever leave you unless death do us part... But even after then, I will still love you and I will always be by your side and here in your heart."

He looks at me and then kiss both of my hands, "I love you Mimi... My Empress." We smiled and I lean my head onto him as we watch our twins sleeping soundly but also waiting for Athanasia to come and sleep with us. 

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now