Story 1 (Treasured Crown Prince of Obelia) - Trial Chapter Part 1

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Claude de Alger Obelia is the new emperor. He led the rebellion, killed his tyrant and cruel brother and then usurped the throne from him. Many supported him, desperate to get rid of the tyrant emperor.

Although, many also opposed him.

There are some nobles who support the previous emperor, his brother. They did fear him because he killed off his own brother and sat himself on the throne. That decision led to some nobles' rebels against him and targeted his beloved wife, the empress, Ultear Milkovich.

Empress Ultear was a remarkable beauty and very intelligent woman who is the captain of Emperor's knight daughter. She fought with him during the war for the throne and advise his counsel. He remembered the first time he met her, she looks gentle, sweet and very like all the ladies in general that is only meant to be a trophy wife and stay inside the house, taking care of the household and children, but yet she able to defeat Felix on a spar and doesn't mind to get her hand dirty to defend what she believes is right and deserves protection.

Claude couldn't help but fallen for her that time despite he was supposed to be engaged with Penelope Judith. She is beyond beautiful with her fair skin, enchanting ruby-colored eyes with hint of purple within, long silky raven hair, her soft hands despite being a strong and only female knight who is deadly with a sword. Her magic skills are also no joke and the way she calculates, strategically and smooth talk that could show to be a threat but still seems sweet like honey were very impressive.

She fought beside and help won him the throne, they got married soon after and become the most beautiful, intelligent and wise empress ever known in Obelia. She had given him a beautiful son that he hasn't met yet.

It's been a week since the last time he visits her, because he was held back by paperwork. Now his face showed nothing but coldness in them as he killed those wandering assassins on his way to his wife's room with hurried footsteps, leaving blood on his hand and face and trails of blood littering on the floor and wall of the Empress' Palace, his personal guard - Felix, trailing behind them and clear off the wandering strays.

When he arrived, he only saw red and broken glasses, there's only red and broken glass everywhere until his eyes stopped on a sprawled figure on the ground, the formerly raven hair was now soaked in crimson blood. He ignored Felix's gasp behind him and quickly walked over to her body, kneeling beside her, and ignoring the blood. Rage and sadness boiled in his eyes, covered by the coldness in it.

She's dead already... He's late.

He couldn't do anything but he could've done something if he had come earlier. He moved the hair away from her face, her beautiful ruby-purple eyes were closed, the eyelashes casting a shadow on her already pale face, she looked... peaceful.

Then something caught his eyes. A bundle of raven head was secured tightly in his beloved's arms. He gently moves her arms away and saw the most beautiful baby he has ever seen. The black tuff that is as dark as midnight sky is framing the cute face, a faint pink blush covering the baby's chubby cheeks, beautiful long black eye lashes framing the still closed cerulean jeweled eyes.

He reached out to touch him but stopped when the baby opened his eyes, revealing the same yet different eyes as his. The baby's eyes showed hazy because of sleepiness, there is innocent look and wander on his eyes but then a hint of understanding could be shown, he noticed. He was about to swipe the baby's raven tuff when he noticed the blood dripping down the baby's pale cheek but got stopped when small, little chubby fingers grabbed his pointer finger and he looked down, only to see the sweetest, angelic and brightest smile he has ever seen and make coo noises.

Reluctantly, he picked him up but not before wiping off the blood on his hands with the bed-sheet and got up. He looked over to his wife's body and clench his teeth and frowned. Whoever did this shall pay with the price of their life.

"Felix" the red head snapped out of his thoughts and knelled down, head bowed "Yes, Your Majesty."

As he secured the baby safely in his arms, he proceeds to walk away "Find out who did this and make them wish that they weren't born. Give them a painful and slow death." Just as he was about to pass the still open doors, he issued his last order, "Bring Ultear back to the main palace, we shall hold a ceremony tomorrow morning." And with that he walked out, the atmosphere around him feels so much colder than it was before and everyone felt it.


Claude hesitated. He hesitated to touch his sleeping son's face; a troubled look plastered on his face. He's troubled and torn in between getting a wet nurse or personally taking care of him. He was thinking of what Ultear would do in this situation and after sometimes he finds the answer of what he believes Ultear wants him to do which is taking care of him himself. He couldn't let his son get in danger; he wouldn't let it happen. He will take care and protect him from any danger just like he knows what Ultear wants.

As he looks at the sleeping baby and gently caress his hair, he stopped and just realize something...

"I haven't given you a name yet," he says and start poking the chubby cheeks lightly feeling the softness of it. He was in thought, looking at the sleeping baby before a small-almost invisible smile plastered on his face as he slightly remembers the first time, he saw Ultear's smile which is full of sincerity and it is also shown when he saw their son coos at him, "Asher, Asher Seraphiel de Alger Obelia, Crown Prince of Obelian Empire."

He named him Asher due to his status as the crown prince and also because of the memory that he had with Ultear and his first smile and coos. While the name Seraphiel, is a name of the highest of Seraphim Angel which mean "Prince of the High Angelic Order" that was described as the light of the morning star, his light within the darkness after the death of his beloved wife.

Satisfied, he caresses the baby's head and whisper, "From now on I shall protect you, nobody could ever lay their hand or harm you as long as I am here beside you."

The treasured crown prince of Obelian Empire hasbeen born. 

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