Chapter 27

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We've reached our destination. Felix led the five of us into the hall where we see the huge door of the banquet palace. I stand on the right side of Claude with the twins, while Claude hold Athanasia's hand on his left. The announcer then announced us.

"Make way for His Majesty, Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia! Her Majesty, Empress Lucélia Mimi de Alger Obelia! Her Highness, Princess Athanasia de Alger Obelia! His Highness, Prince Arcturus Rhaegar de Alger Obelia! And Her Highness, Princess Aetheria Rhaenys de Alger Obelia!"

We enter the hall; all eyes were on us and I see Athanasia flinch and hesitate to enter more.

"What's the matter?" Asked Claude.

"Is Big Sister Athy okay, Daddy?" asked Rhaegar worried.

"Is Big Sister Athy scared? Should Rhaenys give big sister a hug?" asked Rhaenys worried.

I look at Claude and he seems to understand, he glares at the people and they immediately bow their heads.

"I can make them keep their heads down like that until the ceremony is over, if you want." Say Claude as he takes Athy down the staircase slowly.

"N-No." Athy say.

"Athy, it's okay. There is nothing you need to feel scared of. Everything will be just fine; you will do well. I believe in you, my sweet little star," I say.

"Mommy is right. It's okay, Daddy. Because I'll have you, Mommy, Rhaegar and Rhaenys by my side."

I smile and nods, proud of her. Claude and Athy walked down ahead, "I didn't take you for the type to get nervous about such trivial things. Considering how you were ripping my hair out and hitting my face when you were little. Dancing in front of a crowd shouldn't be much of an ordeal."

Athy look shocked in horror and I chuckle while the twins try their best to not laugh or tease their sister who is now trying to act nonchalant and avoiding it.

"You were an insolent little thing, even back then. Causing even Mimi, your mother chasing after you too."

"Such jokes, Daddy..."

"I still think its adorable though my sweet little star. Even though you're quite trouble maker, I still think you're just too adorable." I added and she blush.

"Ahh, stop teasing me."

As we reach the center of the dance floor, I nod and take the twins with me. I look at Athy and caress her hair, "Relax my sweet little star. You dance like a fairy. I know you will do well."

"Thank you, Mommy."

As I stand aside with the twins, watching as Claude and Athy do their dance. Rhaegar and Rhaenys were in awed and cheered for their sister and father in low voices. I smile but then I notice that Athy almost fall but then Claude grabs her waist, pick her up and turn her around in a twirl dance carry. Everyone was in awed and I feel elated. Then the song end and everyone claps. Everyone look at Claude weirdly and I chuckle. They must have been quite shock because even Claude never openly shows compliment to me when we are in public. They are really in surprise.

After the dance of the princess and the emperor, Claude and Athy approach us as the dance for the other 14-year-old girls who made their debut started.

"You dance beautifully, Athanasia. It's nothing to worry about such slip like that is okay if you're nervous." I say and she blush.

"I... I usually dance good..." she mumbles.

"It's alright my sweet little star. Everyone makes mistakes. I did that too once upon a time," I say.

"Really?" she asked eagerly.

"Yes... So, it's no big deal..." I console her and fix her hair.

"Hmm, Mimi dance beautifully during her debut though... I am still in pain from before." Claude say nonchalantly.

"Claudeee..." I chastised him lightly seeing Athy seems frozen in horror.

"I... I'll do better next time..." she says.

"I don't want to dance with big sister... I don't want to be in pain like Daddy is," says Rhaegar.

Athy looks more frozen and I was surprised. Rhaegar really is Claude's son, he even gets his bluntness.

"Rhaegar... That's not nice to say to Big Sister Athy. Big Sister Athy dances like a fairy. I bet you couldn't even dance as beautifully as Big Sister!" says Rhaenys.

"Hmm..." he says.

I look at Athy who was frozen and then I looked at Claude who look uninterested and I sigh while rubbing my temple, "Claude, you really need to stop teaching our son to be as blunt as you. One of you is enough, I don't need two of you on my everyday life."

"Hmm... What did I do? Rhaegar is just as smart and intelligent young child. I still think he inherits his personality from you though." Claude says.

"Wh-what? He is a carbon copy of your personality," I hissed lightly at him and he just hummed before smirking at me.

Then as the song ended, Claude pat on Athy's back and say gently, "Go ahead." I smile at Athy and smile encouragingly at her, "It's time for the girls dance, right my sweet little star."

She looks at us, "Mommy, Daddy, thank you for being with me today." I smile at her and she looks at Claude, "Thanks to you, I'm going to remember today as a very happy day."

Claude looks at Athy and his hand still push forward as Athy walk to the front and then she turns around and smile, "Bye, Daddy."

I look at Claude's expression and he looks slightly conflicted and I take his hand and smile. He turns slightly towards me, "It's okay Claude. She will be back soon. Our daughter has become a young lady now." He looks at me and I kiss his cheek, "Let our daughter have fun for today. Since today is her night. All we could do now just watch over her."

He looked at me once again and I smile at him and hold onto his arm. He gently pulls me closer to the side as we watch our daughter have her night. 

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now