Chapter 6

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Me, Claude, Athanasia along with Felix and Gracie are now in Claude's room. Me and Claude are sitting on one couch while Athanasia across us with all various kinds of sweets present on the coffee table. I was smiling as I am looking at Athanasia and has to contain myself to not giggles because of the cuteness of Athanasia in front of us. I could sense she is nervous and Claude does not helping at all with him looking intently at Athanasia...

"Athanasia, come and eat some. The strawberry cake is delicious and I'm sure you will like it..." I say with close-eye smile while holding a cup of Lippea tea, which is mine, Claude's and Diana's favourite. She has grown so big, despite I feel bad because I could not be there for her these past 5 years, I am glad that Lily took good care of her.


I look at Athanasia again and she is still nervously sitting and avoiding our gaze and I sigh, "Claude... Be nice. You making her nervous." Claude being Claude and his cold emotionless persona, ignoring me and continue staring at Athanasia. This man and his habit on staring down or staring intently at people...

"I didn't know you couldn't speak..." I see Athanasia flinch and Claude lean his head back, "Well, this is boring..."

I frown at Claude and look at him, "That is not nice to say Claude... She might have just been nervous. You should have be a little more considerate and nice." Claude look at me with quite deadpanned look, "I am nice..." I feel a vein of irksome on my head with this emotionless man beside me. I decided to approach and prove to Claude that Athy just nervous.

"Now Athanasia, you don't need to feel shy. He seems to be scary but he actually isn't. So no need to feel scared, you will not be hurt in anyway... I wouldn't let him." I dare a playful challenging look at Claude who just look at me blankly.

"Not much of a talker?" Claude asked and I give him a light glare.


"Athy can talk," Athanasia says cutely while chuckle. Awww she is so cute.

I look at Claude and showing him a victory smile which he in return look doesn't care lazily, "Finally, I get to hear your voice, why did you stay silent until now?" He asked.

"I told you Claude. She might have been shy to talk because this is her first time seeing new people, especially you."

"... What do you mean especially me?" He asked lazily and I feel myself about to fume of his nonchalant attitude in this situation.

Gracie then cleared her throat, "Pardon me, Your Majesty, It is common for girls around the Princess' age to be very shy." I nods agreeing with Gracie while giver thumbs up and then Felix also nodded, "Y-yes Your Majesty, girls around the Princess' age are known to be very shy just like Miss Gracie said."

"Is that so?"

"Yes Claude, girls around 5 years old are tend to be shy..."

"I remember you aren't that shy..."

I blush and pout, "Th...That's different!" In which he just hummed and then lean back, "Felix... Gracie leave us."

"Yes, Your Majesties..."

With that Felix and Gracie went out from the room. I look at Claude in wonder and confusion, what he tends to do and I said, "You better not think to do anything to her, I will not let you..." I continue drinking the tea while still staying on guard. He just take a glance at me before looking back at Athanasia.

"Athy, is it? You have such a cute pet name and you look cute too," I say smiling at Athy who still feels a bit nervous, "Don't be nervous... It's okay you could eat the sweets. It will be such a waste if we have to throw it away, wouldn't it?"

"Hmm... Athanasia. What a name. Do you know the meaning of that name?"

Athy tilted her head to the side and look so innocent with her sweet smile. Oh Claude please don't make this situation bad. I miss her for the past 5 years.

"Claude..." I call, slightly telling him to stop. Claude just close his eyes, and tilt his head slightly as he decide to continue his statement, "To dare give her own child such name that supposed to be given to the Emperor and Empress' child. And a girl at that... She would have had her limbs ripped off if she had survived the labor."

My eyes went wide too shocked to stop him. How could he say those things to his own child's mother. Why are you so cruel to the memory of the woman you loved?

"Why are you just sitting there? Go ahead and eat... I ordered them to bring out something kids would like. If you don't eat I will have no choice but to punish the cook."

"Claude that is enough."

He look at me daring to talk more and I glare back at him telling him to stop with my eyes because we don't need to argue in front of Athanasia.

"Thank you for the food!" She take a bite of the cake, "Yummy!"

I look at Athy and smile and then I approach her and sit beside her, patting her head and wipe the cream from the corner of her cheeks who she then look at me and smile. I miss seeing her smile up close like this and I chuckle, "Now Athy you must have to be careful while you are eating as to not make a mess. Look the cream smeared on your cheeks." She smiles at me in gratitude.

"Who taught you your manners?" Claude asked out of the blue.


"Lily taught me."

Claude tap his finger on the coffee table while looking at Athy, "I see... You are talking about Lilian York. 5 years ago, she stepped in front of me requesting that she be allowed to take care of you. That lady must still be with you. She also took charge of the Ruby Palace. How dare she... The only three people who survived after getting in my way were the Empress, your mother and that wench."

"Your Majesty... That is not necessary to talk like that. It is not a word that appropriate to be heard by such little girl," I say with stern face and cold voice in which he look back at me for few moments before leaning back on the couch while go back looking at Athanasia not before giving me a glance that telling me to move. To be honest, I do not want to move and sit beside him again, but his cold jeweled blue eyes glinted with the seeping sunlight make his eyes look dangerous and I inwardly sigh before sitting back beside him with his side glance as approval.

"As you sit there, are you aware of who I am?"

Athanasia's eyes widened as she dropped her fork on the table. She stared up at him with terrified eyes. I look at Athy with concern and then glance back at Claude who still has his eyes on her, waiting. To Athy it might be seems like a test whether she will be killed or not. Oh my sweet little star, I am certain now that Claude will not kill you not when he knows that I will not let him and all of the talk that we've had.

"f-father?" She blurted.

Claude tilted his head a little and touch his chin while pondering the word and I couldn't help but smile. I know somehow deep down, he isn't that cold and ruthless man ever since Diana passed.


She said with a smile and I found myself to be swoon by her cuteness. She really is Diana's daughter. She looks just like her. Then Athy smiles at me and her smile widen, "Mama!"

My eyes went wide and I was in shocked. Did shereally just call me Mama?

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