Chapter 26

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It is now the day for Athanasia's debutante. I cannot believe that Diana's daughter and now my daughter is already reached the age of maturity in social gathering. I have sent some maids to help Lily, Hanna and Ces to prepare for Athanasia's debutante. It will be such a hassle and Athy will feel dizzy since preparing debutante is not as light as people think.

"Grace," I called on my knight.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" She bows lightly.

"Please inform Crisella to send chamomile tea to Athy's room along with a mint chocolate cake. It might help her to feel relaxed for a long day today."

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

As Grace gone, I tell my hand maiden, Litia to check on the twins for getting ready. Some maids come and bow, "Your Majesty, let's get you ready for Princess Athanasia's debutante."

"Yes, we should... I shall take warm bath with lilies, roses and milk honey essence. Anna, please prepare the dress for the ball it's on the wardrobe chamber."

After a long while, all the preparation is done. The sun has starts to set, the ball will begin. Claude will pick me and the twins first before we head to Emerald Palace, picking Athanasia up. Crisella has informed me that Rhaegar and Rhaenys have arrived with Claude and they are waiting for me to come out.

I walk down the stairs to see Claude waiting with the twins. As soon as they look at me, the twins smile and in awed, "Mommy! Mommy! You look beautiful! The dress even matched with Dad's!" squeal Rhaenys and Rhaegar was awestruck with a blush on his face, while Claude is looking at me with admiration and awed. He takes my hand and kiss it, "You look beautiful My Empress," he says and I smile, "Thank you. You look handsome as always too."

I look at him and then fixed some accessories emblems on his outfit, "Let me fix this, the emblems on your outfit are bit crooked."


"There, all good." I say with a smile and he looks at me before taking my hand again.

"Now since Mommy already with us. Let's pick up Big Sis Athy," Rhaegar said.

"Yes! Rhaenys wanna see how pretty big sis is going to be! Daddy, you will love sister's dress. Rhaenys help Lily and sister pick it up!" Rhaenys say.

I chuckle, "My my sweet littlest starling, you must have worked very hard for making the best day for your sister. I am proud."

"Hehehe, because Rhaenys loves Big Sister Athy so much! Big Sister is pretty like Mommy!" Rhaenys say with smile.

"You look pretty too Rhaenys," says Claude to his littlest daughter.

"Yes, Rhaenys looks as pretty as Mommy and Big Sister Athy. While me and Daddy looked handsome," Rhaegar say.

I chuckle and shook my heads. We then off to Emerald Palace to pick up our star of the day, my eldest daughter Athanasia.


As we arrive, Felix has come to get Athanasia and we wait in front of the carriage. After a while, Felix come with my eldest daughter and I couldn't help but smile in admiration. She has indeed grown so much. I could hear Rhaenys squeal and Rhaegar says 'woah' in low voice. I look at them and chuckle, seeing Rhaenys' jeweled blue eyes sparkled and Rhaegar's face blush. I look at Claude and he was speechless... She looks like Diana; I am sure that is what on Claude's mind and I smile.

"You look like you'll be cold." Claude says as Athy reach the bottom of the stair and I am not surprised by his comment which makes me giggle.

"And you look so so handsome today, Daddy!" Athy said.


"Sister Sister! You look so beautiful!" Says Rhaenys as she looks at Athy.

"Yes, Rhaenys is right. You look beautiful sister," says Rhaegar with a hint of blush on his face.

Athy chuckle and smile at her siblings, "You two look adorable too!" The twins smile and I smile back, watching her. She looks at me and I nod, "You look beautiful my daughter. Today is your big day and I am so glad that the dress suits you perfectly well. I am glad you are very happy today too."

"It's because Mommy design this dress. I am the one who should be grateful. I love it Mommy," she says and I smile.

"Anything for my eldest daughter," I say and kiss her cheeks which she smiled at me.

I look at Claude who is silence and smirk while Athy is talking with the twins, I whisper to my husband, "Your daughter looks beautiful Claude... This is her special day and I know you admired her too. You should say what's on your mind. She is happy that she has you to spend today with."

Athy then turn and smile at Claude, "Daddy, I'm so happy I could spend today with you." I look at Claude and Athy and then gently touch his arm and squeeze lightly telling him to take her hand and say something. He looks hesitate before he slowly gives his hand forward, "You look very pretty today."

I smile as I see Athy look at his hand for a while, smiling and take his hand, "Thank you, Daddy."

As we enter the carriage, I look at the moon and smile...

Diana... Your daughter is beautiful, she has grown into such beautiful young lady. I wish you could be here and see her and Claude with her. If you up there watching us, please keep looking out for us especially Athanasia and Claude.


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