Chapter 2

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A month passed...

Claude and me has been very busy dealing with the council. Being the advisor and confidante of Obelian Empire's Emperor as well as the representative of Kingdom of Stella was hard. The news about Claude's massacre of people in Ruby Palace has reach the council and they are not happy. People also has start whispering about it and if it keeps on going, we will have a huge problem ahead.

"We have to do something! People starts talking and they are scared and confuse at the same time!" Called out a council member.

"This is not a light issue! We need to fix this immediately!"

"People starts talking that the Emperor has become a tyrant."

I scoff and glare at the council member before I was about to speak, Claude raises his hand to stop me and glare at the council members.

"Watch what you are saying Duke..." Claude warns.

"Your Majesty, I apologize... But this is the matter that we need to fix. We need something a solution to stabilize this situation. We do not want this to spread even more," explain the Duke.

"May I speak, Your Majesty?" ask another council man, Duke Alpheus.

Claude only looks at him and nods before he sighs and start to speak, "The people might say those things. I have a solution that will make the people and other Kingdoms or Empires will not declare war. A political marriage that will help this situation is needed."

The council looked shocked at the suggestion. They couldn't get the Emperor find a wife when he ascended the throne, what's difference it might be now. I scoff and couldn't help but think it was something that Claude will not agree especially he just lost someone. He would not take another. I think of Diana again... She will be a fine Empress if she hadn't died but the council will not agree for a commoner to sit on the Empress' throne.

"And Duke Alpheus... Who do you suggest will be a good Empress for Obelian Empire?" I could hear the cold tone of some council members.

"Well of course... Who is better suited to be His Majesty's wife and Empress than our beloved House of Endless River Stars, Princess Lucélia Mimi de Stella."

My eyes went wide as I see Duke Alpheus' smiley face. They want me to be the Empress of Obelian Empire?! They want me to marry my best friend, Claude de Alger Obelia?

Are they for real?!


Another month has passed. It's been a month since the engagement of me and Claude being agreed on both sides, even Claude himself. Thinking of marrying my best friend since we were children which also was once supposed to be my brother-in-law is something that I never imagine. Claude does not like the idea of having a spouse to rule his empire but he also feels that there is no better prospect of candidate for his wife other than me.

I remember when Claude implied that he does not mind marrying me.


We were in my quarter after the council meeting has been dismissed.

"Are you out of your mind Claude? We never agree to get married. I am not fitted to be an Empress."

"What is so bad marrying me Princess Lucélia?"

I couldn't believe him, "Claude... I could not be your wife. I could not marry the lover of my best friend."

"That wench is no longer your best friend! That wench is no longer my lover. She is no longer someone that I should even care." He says with cold tone and a glare.

"Doesn't matter that she already dead Claude! She is still or was my best friend. And don't you even have some bit of care? Why are you supposed to be this cold?!"

"I do not want to remember that wench anymore. She is nothing to me," he says coldly and I could see his eyes seems to glow darker.

"Claude... You are my best friend and I know you. I know your heart; I don't want you to get hurt even more."

"If I have to get married Mimi... I do not mind if it's you. I... I trust you..."

I sigh, "Do you really want to marry me, Claude? We do not have any romantic feelings whatsoever. We both know this is going to be hard and might as well be awkward. But I will do my duty to the people of Obelian Empire that I have started to care just like I care for my people back in Stella."

"Our wedding will be in a month... We should have start to prepare for the wedding and send letters to your family."

With that I watch as Claude leaves my room as I slumped down to the ground. This is something unexpected... I feel like I am betraying Diana, wasn't best friend supposed to not betray each other? Diana... what should I do...

(Flashback End)

I go inside Ruby Palace and was greeted by the maids as they curtsied. I ask them to take me to Athanasia's room and I was greeted by Lily who was trying to stop the fussy infant who does not want to go to bed.

"Do you need help Lily?" I ask as I walk inside.

She gasps and turn around, "Your Highness... Blessing upon the House of Endless River Stars, Princess Lucélia," she curtsied.

"I told you to call me Mimi when we are in private Lily. Thank you for taking care of Athanasia for me," I say as I walk and take Athanasia from Lily as she made grubby hands at me.

"It's no big deal Mimi. I also like to taking care of the princess. She is so pretty, she reminds me a lot of Lady Diana," she says.

I slightly smile and starts to hum a lullaby to Athanasia as her eyes getting sleepy. She is beautiful... She reminds me of Diana despite sometimes the memories are a blur for me, but I know deep inside I love this sweet little baby princess like my own daughter.

"It seems that I will be your mother soon, Athanasia..." I whisper and place a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"You're marrying His Majesty the day after tomorrow, right? You will be our Empress..."

I sit down on the couch while still holding on to Athanasia.

"I really want to take her in to the palace... But I don't think His Majesty will be happy and I am afraid that he might hurt her..." I say.

"It's okay Mimi... You could always visit the princess whenever you like."

"I am lucky that His Majesty did not know that I always visited Athanasia."

"We couldn't help it Mimi..."

Throughout the rest of the day, I spend my time playing and taking care of Athanasia with Lily watching over us. I take as long time to have play with her before I become the Empress, because I know soon the guards for me will be more and Claude will even send some of his guards to watch over me.

I will not let Claude know that I've been taking care of Athanasia and had him to take away some motherly love from her. She does not deserve to be depraved of a mother's love nor so father's love.

I will protect you my little princess, Athanasia. 

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now