Chapter 29

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A/N: OMG!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 10,2k READERS! I cannot believe  that I have so many readers for this story. Your supports means a lot for me! 

As for the rewards for the 10,2K Readers... I will post some mini filler chapters of our Claude and Mimi! Stay tune and for now enjoy... 



"Ah, Pardon me, Your Majesties and Your Highnesses. I was too forward. Blessings and glory upon the Obelian Empire." She greets.

Rhaenys then run to the girl followed by Athy, "That is the ribbon!" Rhaenys said trying to get it as Athy said, "I only just realized that I had lost it. Thank you for returning it to me."

"It's my pleasure," she replied while giving the ribbon to Rhaenys as she said, "Thank you for helping Sister Athy to found the ribbon, miss." Smiling as Rhaenys hold the ribbon with a smile.

The girl smiles back at Rhaenys, "I haven't even introduced myself yet..."

As I look at her, somehow, she reminds me so much of someone... But who is she?

"My name is Jennette Margarita." She said.

"Margarita..." I repeat the name.

"What is that? Why it sounds like a drink that Uncle Pollux mention to love to drink." Said Rhaegar innocently while tilting his head to the side as he looks at Jennette.

"Arcturus Rhaegar de Alger Obelia. Don't be rude. Apologize." I said.

"What? It's true!" Rhaegar whines back pouting but mumble a soft apology before Jennette smile while looking at Rhaegar.

Then Claude said, "Margarita... So you're that child Alpheus has taken under his wing."

Jennette perked up and look at Claude in a bit of hopeful look, "Have you heard of me before?" She asks expectantly. Claude just stares down at her stoically, "...."

"You're quite bold. Is it because you were raised by Alpheus?" Claude ask.

"My apologies." She replied.

"Claude, you don't need to be that blunt and mean." I remind him but I still look a bit guarded since I can feel something else from that girl. Something ominous wrapped around her and there is also a faint of something that familiar to me like I've known this kind of aura before but I just can't quite figure it out yet of where or who I found it once.

Claude looks at her more before he let out a smirk as Rhaenys run to Claude after giving the ribbon to Athy. "I see..." He says and then turn around without giving another single glance, "We're leaving."

He walk through the hallway without another glance and then Rhaegar look one more time at Jennette in distrust before run to Claude's side to catch up with his twin sister and father.

"It's nice to meet you, Lady Jennette." I said politely and she look at me in wonder before Claude called out, "Mimi, Athanasia. Don't lag behind."

"I'm sorry" Athanasia said as she walks after Claude and I follow before finding my hands to be grabbed by Claude gently as we walk out to leave. The twins are already walking beside Athy chatting away to each other, despite Athy just stay silence.

"The Princess seems tired. Perhaps I should assist her in walking to the carriage..." Felix said.


"Or should I carry Prince Rhaegar or Princess Rhaenys too?" He ask.

"Felix. Move 10 steps back." Claude said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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