Chapter 10

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Two years later...

**Mimi's outfit above... 

It was one day when I had received letter from home, Kingdom of Stella informing me that the 5 years annual celebration of Gods and Goddess festival will be held for all the people in Kingdom of Stella by the next month and that they are expecting us to be there and they are also expecting to hear our reply, so that someone from the Kingdom will be able to pick us up. I take the letter with me and heading to Emperor's Palace where I know Claude is since there are no audience meeting today. As I walk to the palace, I see Athy was just about to enter Claude's room.

"Athanasia, what are you doing here by yourself?" I ask her.


She then run to me and hug my leg in which I chuckle and pat her head, "Hello my little star, how are you today?"

"Athy is good Mama. Mama looks so pretty today," she says with her sparkling jeweled blue eyes that look so much like her father.

"Thank you, my darling little star," I kiss her forehead which she giggles, "Do you want to see Papa?"

"Yes! Athy wants to see Papa this much!!" She exclaimed while flailing her arm around to show how big she wants to see. Athy is just adorable.

"Well then my little star, let's see Papa, okay?" I say as I hold her hand in which she nodded.

As we come in, Claude turns his head to look at us from the doorway in midway of his tea time.

"You're here," he states.

"Papa! Athy's here!"

I giggle at the father and daughter duo, "You know Claude, she was just about to enter your room when I found her. She might have been missing you a lot." Athy just let out a cute giggle before approaching Claude.

"I see... Nowadays, you just come and go as you please, don't you?"

"All of a sudden, I wanted to see Papa, THIS, THIIIIS MUCH!! So, I came right away!"

"Isn't it a bit early for you to making all this ruckus?"


I shook my head knowing that Athy wants to eat some chocolates and because Lily limited her share because of her toothache, she come to Claude who is now couldn't resist his daughter's want.

"Bring it in."

Athy's eyes sparkled as she waits and I chuckle before sitting approaching Claude as he gently takes my hand and let me sit beside him. In the last two years ago when Claude said that he wants me to wait for him, Claude has been a bit affectionate towards me than before despite he still shows his cold persona. But that's what make me love him even more. He doesn't speak much or say he loves me, but his action speaks louder. Actions speaks louder than words, especially with this kind of man, I agree.

Me, Claude and Athy as of now have look even more like family of our own. Claude has turn soft towards Athy and I couldn't help but tease him and smirks at him when he shows that. "I told you so", It's what my eyes always speak to him when he shows his soft side to her.

"You look happy this morning, Mimi..."

"I am just happy because we are together. I am so proud of you Claude, you did well."

I plant a quick kiss on his cheeks before looking at Athy as her eyes sparkles in seeing so many cakes and sweets on the table ready for her. I couldn't help but smile, "You really do loves sweet, isn't you my little star?" I called and she look at me and nods her head excitedly.

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now