Chapter 22

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5 years have passed... 

Me and Claude were just finish from an audience with our chancellor, when our twins come barging in into the audience room...

"Mommy! Daddy!" Say our twins with huge smile on their face.

"You're both here?" Says Claude as he leans his head on the armchair but showing a small smile to the twins who approach us.

"We missed you!" says Rhaenys as she leans her body on Claude's knees.

I pick Rhaegar and sit him on my lap, "How are you my star prince?" I ask after I plant a kiss on his cheeks.

"I'm good! Rhaenys also good!" He replies as he snuggles onto me.

"Daddy! Daddy! Can we take walk in the garden together? Big Sister Athy also could join too!" says Rhaenys eagerly.

"Rhaenys... You know that your sister has lesson... Do you really want to disturb your sister's lesson?" I ask with light chuckle.

Rhaenys and Rhaegar look at one another before grin and said, "Yes! We want with Big Sister Athy too!"


"M-my... You two really are a handful..." I say giggling.

Arcturus Rhaegar de Alger Obelia and Aetheria Rhaenys de Alger Obelia are the cheeky twins who are very excited and cheerful in everything. They also love their big sister a lot and always want to include her in whatever activities they do. The twins really remind me a lot of me and Claude always mention it to me.

"Your children really resemble you a lot. They also like to annoy other people and roped them into some activities they do," Claude said as he picks up Rhaenys and Rhaegar with ease and we walk through the garden.

I give him a light glare and pout, "They are your children too, you emperor husband of mine! You also like to pursue me to do things you like to do when we were around their age!"


I feel an irk mark on my head, "Claude!"

"Daddy, why Mommy looks angry at you?" ask Rhaenys.

"Did you do something that annoy Mommy, Daddy?" ask Rhaegar.

"Nothing to worry about... Your mother like to be angry like that," reply Claude with stoic face.

I try my best to keep smiling but, to be honest I really want to give him a lesson.


The five of us were sitting on the rose garden enjoying some tea. Athy get to finish her lesson early because her teacher has something to do. I look at three of my children and couldn't help but smile and chuckle seeing Athy, Rhaegar and Rhaenys talking excitedly with one another.

"I just remember... Claude, we haven't presented the twins to the nobles and our empire subordinates court in a banquet." I say.

"Hmm... You're right. We should hold it next month," he said.

"In a month?!" I asked shocked.

He continues sipping his tea and I look at our children who look at us with a confused face.

"Daddy, Mommy, what are you talking about in a month?" ask Athy.

"Ah, you see my sweet little star, we are going to have presentation banquet for your twin siblings. We haven't presented the twins to the nobles' court and the empire subordinates. So, we decided to present them in a banquet next month," I explain.

"Is it different than debutante?" Athy asked.

"Certainly... Debutante is like you're coming off age ceremony, your siblings are not on those age so we could only present them to the nobles and subordinates in presentation banquet. So that is what we are going to do next month," I added.

The twins' eyes was in awed while Athy was smiling. I love my children so much.

"Are there going to be dances, mommy?" ask Rhaenys.

"Of course, my little twin star princess, you could also choose the one you like to be your escort, although it's not necessary."

"Dancing... It's tiring... Can I just like Dad not dance and just watching?" Rhaegar said with blank face as he enjoying his pudding more than the conversations.

I feel an irk mark and look at both my son and Claude who take glance with one another and there is a hint of pride in Claude's eyes after he listen to what Rhaegar is saying. Why oh why he inherits Claude's personality!

"You're a prince, the first prince Rhaegar... You can do whatever you want," Claude say.

"Yayy! Thanks Daddy!" Rhaegar said, smiling brightly.

I could hear a faint snicker coming from Athy, Felix, Gracie, and Shin. CLAUDE DE ALGER OBELIA!! WHY YOU HAVE TO GIVE THAT PERSONALITY LIKE THAT TO YOUR SON!

I lightly glare at Claude who still drinking his tea with a stoic and chibi look at the same time.

He is lucky that I love him! 

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now