Chapter 14

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Day 2 - Holy Majestic Festival

Kingdom of Stella

It's the second day of Holy Majestic Festival. Today, the people are going to continue visiting the temples of other Gods and Goddesses. We are also going to have lunch outdoor in the God Shamash's temple. God Shamash or some people called him Akkadian or even Utu is the god of sun who is the brother of God of the Moon, God Sin or Nanna who is also my grandfather from my mother's side. We are going to visit mine and my brother's granduncle's temple. After that we are going to visit our maternal grandfather's temple. 

(Mimi's outfit) 

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(Mimi's outfit) 

(Athy's dress - mint green to lilac) 

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(Athy's dress - mint green to lilac) 

We are already on the God Shamash's temple. After doing our routine by give offering and praying, we are now having some downwind time during our lunch break. I accompany Athy wandering around the temple and her eyes sparkles seeing lots of sparkly gold. She then look at the carving of God Shamash and God Sin, the God of Sun and God of Moon, my maternal granduncle and grandfather.

"Mama... Are they my great granduncle and great grandfather?" She ask in awe at the carving.

"Yes my sweet little star, they are somewhat your great granduncle and great grandfather. They are very charming in their own way like your father and they also very kind like you," I say to Athy with smile.

"They are pretty like Papa and Mama... Athy would love to get to know them... But will they like Athy? Because Athy knows that Athy is Mama's step daughter..." She whispers at the end.

My heart clench at her statement. Athy is so young but she already knows that she is not really my daughter. She also has to whisper the statement because she knows that the people of Stella other than the royal family know her as my blood daughter with Claude. I kneel beside Athy and caress her face as she looks at me.

"Mama knows that your great granduncle and great grandfather love you as you are. No matter what, you are my daughter and they will love you just like you are their direct descendant. You do not need to think about that sort of thing, my sweet little star," I console her and she nods.

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