Chapter 12

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It's been a week since Pollux' arrival as he picks us up with a small escort to Kingdom of Stella. We have arrived at Kingdom of Stella. Athy was so excited and she almost give scared to Pollux because of her enthusiast. Claude as always, he doesn't talk much but as we arrived, I could see his eyes seem so nostalgic. There are so many memories that he had within this Kingdom and he somehow feel at ease because Kingdom of Stella has been like his second home. 

(Mimi's outfit above)

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(Mimi's outfit above)

I wound my arms around Claude while Athy stand beside me with Lily. I look at Claude who is now looking at me and I plant a kiss on his cheeks while within my eyes I send a look that saying 'Welcome Home' and I see he give a faint smile.

"Uwaaaa Mama's palace is so pretty!! Athy likes it here," Athy cheered.

"I'm glad you like it, my little star," I bend down to Athy and pat her head, "Mama will show you the whole palace later."

"Really?! Mama will show Athy around?"

"Of course... Your father will also join us later. But we have to meet Grandpa and Grandma first," I say.

"Okay! Athy will behave," she says smiling.

As we were about to head the stairs, we were greeted by the crown prince, Cesar, my brother.

"Blessing and glory upon the sun, the moon and the first star of Obelian Empire. House of River Stars welcome you... I see you have a pleasant ride."

I smile and immediately run to hug Cesar, "Brother Cesar!!! I miss you!!" He laugh and then pat my head, "Welcome back Mimi... It's nice to have you here. I hope you have been doing well. Ruling an empire is not an easy job."

I wink, "It's no problem. As long as I could be useful and help His Majesty, nothing is hard."

"I see... Hahaha" Then Cesar look slightly behind me and smile before I step aside and pick Athy up.

"Brother, I am sure you are familiar with His Majesty," I tease.

"Of course... It's been a while since I last saw you, Claude. I thank you for treating my sister very well," he says.

"It sure has been a while Cesar. I hope you are doing well and congratulations on your coronation as the Crown Prince of Kingdom of Stella," Claude says with a smile.

"Thank you Your Majesty."

I look at Athy who was looking at Cesar in amazement. Athy has only seen Cesar once but she is too shy that time to speak to him. Cesar then smile and glance at Athy with soft smile.

"Hello little star... How have you been? You've grown prettier and cuter since last time I saw you," he says.

"Uncle Cesar, Athy is sorry because the last time Athy did not speak much with Uncle Cesar. But now Athy's here and Athy really want to play with Uncle Cesar!"

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now