Chapter 17

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It's been few weeks since the night that me and Claude try to have our own children. Ever since that, it's been almost every night we keep on trying. To say that I am completely spent and sore will be an understatement. Claude seems so eager to get me pregnant, I don't mind really, it is in fact make me a blushing mess near him and that man could only smirk or act nonchalant.

As me, Claude and Athy were having our usual tea time. I suddenly feel a bit dizzy. As I take the cup of Lippea Tea, the smell makes me nauseous. Looking at all of the sweet it makes me lose my appetite.

"Mama are you okay?"

I look to the side to see Athy looking worried and I shook my head, telling her that I am fine. I take a glance at Claude who is also looking at me worried.

"I'm alright... really I..."

Without knowing, I suddenly feel myself lightheaded and it's all black now and sounds of shrieking and people calling my name.

As I wake up, I found myself to be lying on the bed. I look at the curtain on the bed and take notice that I am in Claude's room. I know exactly what might happen to me... I just need confirmation.

"Claude..." I call and I immediately heard some rustling and see Claude standing there.

"Mimi... You're awake," he says.

"How long was I unconscious?" I asked.

"Almost a day..." He answers softly.

"I see..."

I look at him and he was looking at me, "Why you didn't tell me?" He asked.

"I don't even know that I am... I had some feelings but still unsure. But now it's all clear..."

He holds my hand and caress my face, I smile at him with tears of happiness, "Congratulations Your Majesty... You are going to have another child."

He smiles gently and kiss me on the lips, "Thank you Mimi for giving me another child."

I smile and hug him tightly. We will have our own child, a little brother or sister for our dearly beloved Athanasia.


It's been 2 months since we found out that me and Claude are expecting. The news has spread, lots of people celebrating the pregnancy. Lots of wishes and even presents were given for the unborn child of the Emperor and the Empress. Athy was very excited to hear the news and she has been clinging to me a lot whenever she is not with Claude or her new friend, which is I know divine beast. I had told Athy to be careful and not to spend too much time with the divine beast. Hopefully she will listen.

Me and Claude has just finished another audience's session. Claude could only sleep for around 4 hours; he must be exhausted.

"Are you okay, my love?" I ask worry for him.

"Hmm... It's fine," he said as he leans his head on his hand tiredly while one of his other hand holds onto mine, "Did you get enough rest Mimi? You're carrying our child at the moment. Aren't pregnant woman mostly easily get tired?"

I hold myself to not chastised him. Even though it's true, his tone annoyed me like he is somehow think of me as too fragile woman and cannot do anything. I give him a slight glare and he looked at me with stoic face.

"Just because I'm pregnant, doesn't mean I am too fragile to hold myself! And I am not easily tired despite being pregnant, you emotionless stoic emperor husband of mine," I hissed at him.

He looked at me before slightly smirking and lean his face closer to me, "You look like an angry kitten, Mimi... It doesn't look threatening at all," he said.

Ahh this man!!!

Before I could retort anything else, the door opened and...

"Daddy! Mommy! I missed you!"

I looked and see Athy coming with huge closed eyes smile on her face. It was silence through the audience room, Athy still smiling with her eyes close. She is just so adorable and cute. I stand up and approach her before pull her in a hug.

"My daughter you are so cute... I'm glad you're doing well." I said as I smiled back at her and pat her head.

We then turn to look at Claude who just keep staring at us in silence. I shook my head... Claude still like usual.

"Your Majesties, the weather's nice today. How about going for a walk outside?" suggested Felix and I give thumbs up to Felix who smile sheepishly.

Nice Felix!

"Hmm... I agree with Felix, Mom also told me that it was good for pregnant woman to get few hours of walking and absorb the sun. It will be good for both the mother-to-be and the child," I say with a smile.

"Hmm... A walk that doesn't sound too bad," Claude said.

Claude walks down and approach me, he takes my hand and I smile at him. Just then I heard...

"What is it?"

I turn to look and see Athy looking shocked as she was tugging on Claude's robe. Oh My...

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now