Chapter 11

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I was sitting on my study doing some paper works that needed to be done before we have to leave for Kingdom of Stella the day after tomorrow. Just then I heard my door opened.


"Athy, you're here. What bring you here my little star?" I ask as I put down the paper works and approach her before lowering myself to match her eye-level.

"Mama, when are we going to leave for Stella?"

"Are you really that excited to go visit Stella?"

"Yes! I even read lots of books about Kingdom of Stella. I learn about the Gods and Goddesses too. I even read about the festival... Athy also ask Lily to help Athy prepare the dresses that fits to use to attend the festivals!"

I chuckle and pat her head gently, "My my, you really are excited my little star. You're so adorable," I kiss her cheeks.

"Mama, can Athy also help Mama pack for Stella?"

"Aren't you thoughtful, sure you may help me. It will be fun, wouldn't you think so?"

"Yes! Let's go Mama! Athy will help you pack!"

I shook my head while laughing and pick her up. We walk to my chamber and she chats about how much she likes to go and what she will do when she arrive from seeing the stars, eating delicious cakes and sweets, visiting the temples and playing near the palace's waterfall and even visit the Winter Tree. It seems that Athy has plan everything out. How adorable.

As promise, Athy did help me pack some dresses to bring and wear. She is such cutie and I have to say, she knows her style.

"Mama, all the dresses look so pretty when you wear them! Athy couldn't decide which one is better," she says pouting slightly.

"No worries my little star. I could just bring all of them with us," I say winking.


Then a knock could be heard, the door opened and Gracie come inside.

"Your Majesty, a small envoy from Kingdom of Stella has come lead by Prince Pollux and his guard, Sir Ethan," she says.

"Ah so they're here already. Thank you Gracie, please inform His Majesty about their arrival and bring them to the audience room. Me and Princess will join His Majesty soon," I answer.

"As you wish, Your Majesty. Blessing and glory upon the moon and first star of Obelian Empire," Gracie says while curtsied before leaving to inform.

Athy then looked excited as her jeweled blue eyes twinkling in excitement, "Uncle Pollux is here?! Yayy! Athy would like to see uncle. Can we go Mama?"

"Sure my little star. We will see Uncle Pollux," I say smiling.

"Yay! Uncle Pollux is so cute Mama. Uncle Pollux also give Athy a box of delicious chocolate!"

I couldn't help but laugh as I pick her up and walk to the Throne room, "It seems to me that Uncle Pollux is your favorite uncle," I boop her nose which she giggles.

"Yes! Uncle Pollux is Athy's favorite uncle because he gives me delicious chocolate."

We arrive at the front of the throne room where Gracie was waiting. I put Athy down as the door opened to see Claude already sitting on his throne. Athy cheered and immediately run to him.

"Papa! Athy and Mama are here!" She reaches him and grin.

"So there you are... You've been with your Mama," he states while looking at her.

"Yes! Athy was helping Mama trying pretty dresses and packing them," she says.


I approach them and sit beside Claude on the Empress' throne with smile. Athy has always been so ecstatic seeing Claude and talking to him with random things. I always love seeing Claude with Athanasia. He is a good father despite his cold and emotionless persona, he really care for his daughter. Another reason why I love him even more. I feel my dress sleeve being tugged and I look to the little hand that holds my sleeve.

"Mama... You seems to be thinking of something nice, wouldn't you tell Athy?" Athy say as she look at me and I could also see Claude is looking at me too.

I open my arms and Athy move and come to my arm as she sit on my lap and nuzzles my neck. Although Athy is not my blood-daughter, but I did raise her as my own daughter. Some said that blood is the only thing matter, but seeing Athy with me I could deny it saying no need blood to make someone a family.

"Athanasia... Mind your manners," says Claude with his emotionless tone but from seeing his eyes I know he doesn't mean it as a scolding. He doesn't mind that.

"It's okay Claude, I like being close to Athy like this..." I nuzzle her nose and she giggles, "Mama it tickles... Hehehe"

Then the door opened...


"Blessing and glory upon the sun, the moon and first star of Obelian Empire. Greetings from the House of the River Stars..."

"You've been well... I hope your travel is pleasant," Claude says.

"It was as pleasant and peaceful as the Obelian Empire, Your Majesties..."

"No need to be so formal, Prince Pollux Niklaus de Stella... You may rise,"

With that the young man with pink hair clad in the most royally noble outfit. His heterochromia eyes of blue and amber gold look up from a stern eyes, it slowly melt to a friendly one and a smile on his lips. This man is my second older brother, Prince Pollux Niklaus de Stella.

"Hmm, I see you've been doing well Claude..." He says.

"It seems so, Pollux..." Claude reply.

"You look beautiful and divine as always dear sister. Your beauty shines as the moon of Obelian Empire and brightly like the stars of Stella," He greets me.

I smile, "Thank you brother... I'm so glad you're here."

"I'm glad to be here and it seems the Obelian Empire's first star looks as beautiful and cute as the last time I seen her. My you have grown," Pollux said and greets Athy who is excited.

"Uncle Pollux! Athy's here and is excited to spend time with Uncle Pollux!" Athy said before she lightly jumps and run to Pollux who pull her into a hug and pat her head lightly as she smile brightly at him.

"You've grown..."

"Athanasia, I told you to not run around," says Claude as he rests his head on his hand in the arm rest of the throne.

"You should listen to your father, Princess Athanasia. We do not want you to get hurt now..." says Pollux.

"Yes, Athy does not want to cause trouble to Papa."

Athy and Pollux were bonding in front of us and I always been glad that my family treat Athy like their own family.

"Prince Pollux, I am sure you are tired from the journey... You may rest. Felix will take you to your room for a while. Tomorrow morning, please join us for a tea."

"Thank you, Your Majesty... Well then please excuse me. Blessing and glory upon the sun, the moon and the first star of Obelian Empire."

Felix and Gracie then accompany Pollux out from the audience room and to his room.

"Athanasia... Come," Claude says.

Athy look confused before approach Claude just as he takes my hand and bring us to the small room behind the throne and lay down as he closed his eyes.

"You're tired Your Majesty... Why don't you take some rest in your room?" I ask as Athy sit on my lap.

"There will be no need... Just stay here..."

"As you wish, Your Majesty..."

I hummed a lullaby for Claude and found him fast asleep and not long after that, I found Athy starts to get sleepy.

"Mama... Your voice is beautiful..."

"Sleep tight my little star... Let the stars guide you to a nice peaceful nap," I plan a kiss on her forehead and she is also asleep.

I lay down Athy beside Claude and gently caress her hair and caress Claude's hair after. I smile... My family. 

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now