Chapter 25

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"Happy Birthday Princess!! Happy Birthday Sister!! Happy Birthday My Little Star!"

Today is Athanasia's fourteenth birthday. We celebrate her birthday with a small party in Emerald Palace. She got so many presents even my family send their presents.

"Sister! Sister! Open our presents!" cheered Rhaegar and Rhaenys.

"Thank you Rhaegar, Rhaenys!" She said and kiss both of their cheeks. The twins give her a miniature doll of the three of them and Athy loves it as she squeezes both of their cheeks and smother them in kisses.

I approach her, plant a kiss on her forehead and smile, "Happy Birthday my dear little star. Know this that you are always forever be my little star. Remember also that I love you my daughter..."

She pulls me in a hug as she opened the present from me

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She pulls me in a hug as she opened the present from me. It was a tanzanite heart-shaped bracelet, "Thank you for loving me, Mom. I am glad to be your daughter too."

I hug her back and kiss her forehead, "My sweet little star... You have grown to be a proper lady now."

The small birthday party continue, and it was enjoyable with chocolate cake that Lilly and the chef made. Athanasia is so happy, and I am glad, but I feel my smile disappear as I notice that Claude doesn't even come. I excuse myself and decide to go to find my husband.

As I stop in front of Claude's room, I knock for sometimes but there is no response. I knock again, "Claude... It's me..." He ignored me and I sigh before I open the door and the sight that I saw, make my heart clenched. Bottles of liquor surrounded him in the couch he prefers to sleep on. Some bottles littered on the floor, I bow and pick the bottles up as I approach him.

My husband always looks so broken during this day... I feel like I failed but I also understand. He did loves Diana, a lot. I was there when they are together and was there when she left him forever. I sit on the arm rest, "It seems you drinking again... Claude."

He looks more vulnerable...

"You know Claude... Even roses already withered, their scents will always linger. People who hate to see something they love and precious withered away, doesn't mean they couldn't value anymore beauty of the nature or what comes up after. They will keep the already dried and withered roses close to their heart and themselves and let their scents become eternal. But those people will still try to cherish what the roses have left... A new blooming rose coming in."

I look at him and wound my hands around his neck from the back and I close my eyes, "Diana loves roses... She will always be your rose and it's hard to let her go, but Claude..." He flinches and I give a small bittersweet smile, "She leave something behind, a little rose that she loved dearly... Lots of people love her but one thing she really love and longed for is the presence of her father on her special day. Diana would not want you to mourn over her death and let you wallow in pity and misery like this. There are also other people who wants you happy... Nobody asked you to forget her just like that despite it's been years, but Diana always live in your heart. It's something that nobody could ever replace... You may not be able to have Diana, but her part still lives on not just in your heart but in your daughter as well. I lost my best friend too and I fulfill the promise she wants me to keep..."

Despite I feel my heart clench and how much it hurts, I know part of Claude's heart and love still to hold onto Diana. I maybe his wife, mother to his twin children and I know he love me, and I love him just as much or even more. If you love someone, you should live happily for that person whatever it takes even the cost of the pain heartache on my behalf. I want him to be happy, that is something he deserves.

"I am here as your friend who loves you... Claude..." I call and he look at me with his blank face and I hold my tears in, "I don't want you to wither away anymore. If Diana is your rose... You are my Iris... My summer flower and my sun. I cannot do this without you Claude and I want you to lean on me as well... Don't close yourself... If not for me, try for Athanasia and our children, Rhaegar and Rhaenys."

He keeps silence and I smile bittersweetly, I kiss his cheeks, "Please rest well now, Your Majesty..."

As I was about to leave, I feel a tug on my sleeves and I turn before I was suddenly pulled into his chest, "Claude..."

"You are my moon, Lucélia Mimi de Alger Obelia... Rose could be beautiful and I did love the rose, but the moon... The moon who has always watching me despite how sad or happy, it still shines brightly, filling warmth onto my heart... It's hard to not love the moon when the moon herself never leave me astray and have given me little stars that brighten my night even more..."

I stay silence within his arm, and he pull me in for a kiss, a gentle kiss, "Let's stay like this... My moon... Stay with me..."

I feel my tears fall down and I smile before caressing his face and kiss his chest, where I know his heart rested, "I will never leave you... My sun, Claude de Alger Obelia..."

"My moon... Lucélia Mimi de Alger Obelia..."

That night, we hold onto each other and our love maybe not perfect or beautiful, for us this love... Our love is each other where the moon and the stars be our guards and the witness.


(A/N: Remember dear readers, after this the updates for this book will be 1 or 2 chapters every once a week or once every two weeks) 

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now