Chapter 9

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As I was talking with Claude who then he just try to ignore me again which makes me pout, I look across and find Athanasia looking on the lake and leaning down, "Athanasia? What are you doing?" I ask as I blink. As I was about to approach her, my eyes went wide as Athanasia fall down to the lake, "Athy!!"

"H, Help... Hel..."

"Athanasia!" I look at Claude and couldn't believe my eyes as I see him just looking lazily at her. I feel my anger spike, "Claude! How could you... If you don't want to save her, I'll do it myself!"

Just as I was about to jump after Athanasia, I felt someone hold my hand and I turn around with fury to see Claude, but before I yell at him, he save her...

~After sometimes...

"Princess, are you alright?!"

Me and Lily gushing over Athanasia and checked her, "Athanasia... You're alright now... It's okay calm down," I assure her and pull her into a hug of relief. I thought that Claude must be really cruel to not immediately save her, but I found out as I see him holding out into drenched Athanasia that he was silently observing her if she could swim to save herself or not. Despite his intention is good, the way he execute it was sometimes almost diabolic.


"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Teach Athanasia how to swim," Claude says before turn his body around, "It would be a shame if an Emperor's daughter drowned to death in a mere lake."

Before he completely walks away, he called out, "Mimi come..." I look at him who slightly halt for a moment and give me sideway glance and I turn to look at Athy who shivers on my embrace and looked up at me. I inwardly sigh before smile slightly at her and kiss her on the forehead, "I will come and visit you soon okay Athanasia. We could play together later on, would you like that?"

Athy gives a small smile as she nods, "Yes Mama, Athy would like that." I smile at her before giving nod to Gracie, "Please accompany Athanasia back and make sure she is been taken care of and well rested after today's event."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

I reach Claude who still waiting for me before he offers me his hand which I take. Sometimes his action confuses me. But that's what make him, Claude.


Later sometimes in the afternoon after the whole boat ride. I have been cleaned and was now heading to Claude's chamber because he asked me to after he dropped me off at the Empress Palace.


**Mimi's outfit above 

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**Mimi's outfit above 

As I arrive in front of his chamber, I walked in and see Claude sitting and Athanasia standing in front of him. From the slight disheveled look on Claude, I realize that he might have just woken up from a nap. And Athanasia is the one who wake him up and I couldn't help but giggle seeing the two.

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now