Chapter 15

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It is our last day in Kingdom of Stella. Athy is exploring the palace with Lily, Felix and Shin, Claude is on a meeting with father, Cesar and Pollux. While I was being called by mother to meet her in Sept of Bellatrix. If she asked me to meet her there, so it must mean that Mom has something important to talk about and it is very private.

 If she asked me to meet her there, so it must mean that Mom has something important to talk about and it is very private

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(Mimi's dress) 

I reach the Sept and I turn around to let Gracie know that I will be fine by my own and she should go and check on Athy. She wants to refuse but she bow before leaving. I enter the Sept and see my mother kneel down under the statue of Seven Gods.

"You're finally here daughter... How was your husband and daughter?" She asks as she stand up and turn around to face me with gentle smile.

"Mother... My husband and daughter are fine as you could see. I heard you calling for me. You have something important to tell me..." I say.

She smiles before take my hand and guide me to sit while having some tea.

"Yes my daughter... I have something important to tell you. And I am sure you also know that this something is also involving the words of our almighty relatives above," she says.

Just then a shimmering light come and appear beside me...

"You look so ethereal my darling great granddaughter."

"Goddes Inanna..."

"You look so divine, suits with your status and identity as the moon of Obelian Empire and the only star princess for thousand of years. Daughter of the moon and star," she says as she caress my face gently.

I look and see Goddess Inana come with smile on her face. Goddess Inana, is my maternal great grandmother, The mother of all the Gods and Goddesses, Queen of the Heaven.

"Grandmother... Should we talk about why we called her here?" Mom ask in which Goddess Inanna nods and then her smile turns a bit serious.

"What is it mother, great grandmother?" I ask feeling a bit worry seeing the expression on Goddess Inanna.

"My dear little great granddaughter, you see the goddess Lachesis take a look into your daughter's future, Princess Athanasia, and she find that she will face such hardship in the near future," Goddess Inanna says.

I blink and look serious. What will happen with Athanasia?

"She is young and not to mention very intelligent. But she seems to be carrying a heavy burden. She will need you more in the future and her father as well. I also heard about her wish... She wants to have a little brother... My dear Lucélia, to have a child of your own will be good for her emotional tether. Presence of little brother or little sister that comes from two of the person she loved most is a good emotional tether to prepare her when the hardship come. She will needs someone that will always by her side no matter what happen. I know you love her and will always be with her, but Lucélia, Athanasia will grown up and face challenge soon. It is better for her to have someone other than her parents."

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