Story 1 (Treasured Crown Prince of Obelia) - Trial Chapter Part 2

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Chapter 2 - SNEAK PEAK


5 years have passed since then. Crown Prince Asher has just turned 9 years old. He was running away from sword practice because he doesn't like the teacher and he prefers to be taught on how to fight using sword with Felix or even his own father.

"Sir Lionel is annoying. I couldn't stand him. Why Dad has to make him my teacher? Why not Felix? How troublesome..."

Just then as he walks through the palace, he crashes into someone as he heard a little yelp. Panic, He immediately catch the person who he bumped into and was shocked to be faced with a little girl not older by 5 years old with long wavy golden blonde hair and jeweled blue eyes with wide eyed and blush on her cheeks.

The young prince blinks his eyes and didn't notice that his face was very close to the girl which make her even more nervous and inwardly feeling her heart about to burst. Although from the outside, she looks 5 years old but the girl's mind is that of a mature woman, especially if the little prince in front of her will grow into such handsome young man that she really like.

"Are you... my little sister?" The crown prince asks while tilting his head to the side make him look even cuter and the poor girl couldn't handle it, she feels like about to faint. 


Chapter 5 - SNEAK PEAK


The last few days after I finish my sword practice, Athy will come find me while bringing her friend, Raven. Raven is a little troublemaker and like Athy, loves chocolate. It's kind of weird why Raven likes to be around me so much because, he supposed to belong only for Athy. I decided to visit Dad since it's been a while since we spend some time together. Hopefully Dad is not grumpy.

I walk to Dad's quarter and then knock the door before I could hear a faint "come in" from inside. I walked in to see Dad sitting on his desk doing some paperwork.

"Hey Dad! Am I bothering you?" I asked.

"Hmm... None at all, I just finished..." Dad said while I inwardly sweat drop because Dad hurriedly put the paperwork aside and beckon me to come closer.

I approach Dad and then he suddenly picks me up and make me sit on his lap. I slightly pout, "Dad... I am no longer 5 years old or even 7 years old. I'm 11 years old."

"Hmm... So? You still my son," he says nonchalantly.

"But aren't I already too big to sit on your lap like this?" I ask him still flabbergast by Dad's statement.

"No... You're light. Your sister still heavier than you," he says and I sweat drop.

"Dad... You are way bigger than me and that muscles there, why you still said Athanasia is heavier?" I ask curious.

"Hmm... She has chubby cheeks."

I sweat drop, really that is his reason? Well, my father really is something else.

"How were your lessons?" Dad asked as he look at me.

"It was good. Sir Lionel has become tolerable than before and he is no longer babbling about his daughter," I said.

"Daughter you say?" I slightly flinch hearing the cold tone of Dad.


I look at Dad's face and his jeweled blue eyes ablaze. Dad is furious. I shouldn't have told it to him then.

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