Chapter 3

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(Mimi's Wedding Dress)

It's now the day of my wedding with Claude. I was sitting on my chamber where maids around me to prepare myself for the wedding. Today is the day that I will be married to my best friend, Claude and become the new Empress. I should have been happy when got married but I do not know how I feel. There is still the lingers feeling that seems like I betrayed Diana... But am I really betraying her? Lily has told me that Diana will not even feel betrayed of me marrying her lover but thankful because there is someone that she could trust to take care of the man that she loved and her daughter.

I remember the last time Diana talk to me before she passed giving birth to Athanasia the day after.


Diana is lying down on the bed in her chamber in Ruby Palace. She looks so pale and frail. She will give birth soon...

"My dearest Mimi... It was nice to have you by my side through everything. You are a wonderful friend," she says as she smiles at me and hold my hand.

"Diana... You look so pale... I am worried and scared," I say.

"Thank you for worrying over me and taking care of me, Mimi. I feel happy that when I passed, there is someone that I care and trust to be there for my baby and His Majesty..."

"Diana... Don't say that. You will be able through this birth and live happily with His Majesty," I say but we both know that statement is a lie because we both know she will not survive the birth. I feel my tears started to fall down.

I feel Diana's hand caress my face and wipe the tears that has fallen and it makes me sniffle, "Now Princess Mimi, a beauty like you should not cry and waste such precious tear over someone as low as me," she says with a weak smile. I hold her hand and give a broken weak smile, "Don't say that Diana... You are not someone low. You are my best friend and the one that His Majesty love..."

Diana smile, "You are too kind my Princess Lucélia... I am grateful to have you as my friend. You will be a wonderful mother and wife or even Empress, my dearest Mimi... I entrust you with two of my precious loved ones. Please take care and loves His Majesty on my stead and take care also protect our child. That is me, a favor I asked of you, Princess Lucélia Mimi de Stella..."

Another tear falls down and I sob. This seems like a goodbye and a dying wish and I am not ready.


I didn't notice that I shed tears... Despite my memories are bit blur regarding Diana... Somehow, this memory seems vivid and as painful as before.

"Your Highness, is everything okay?" My maid, Crisella ask as she looked at me worry.

"I... I'm fine Crisella... Nothing to worry you about," I assure with a small smile.

"But you're crying, Your Highness... Are you perhaps not happy with this marriage?" She ask concern.

If any other servants or maids from Obelian Empire hear this, Crisella will be sentenced to death or prison. Crisella is my maid and from Kingdom of Stella and she has always been a friend to me since I was young. She is older by 7 years.

"Dear Crisella... It's alright. I am happy with this marriage. This is for our people and the Obelian Empire people. But most of all, this is also for His Majesty who has been my best friend since we were children. I was just thinking of something about I will now does not have long time to be together with my parents and my brothers."

"Do you love His Majesty, Your Highness?"

I look at her and smile lightly, "I love His Majesty..."

"But not the kind of love as in romantic way, isn't it, Your Highness?"

I decided to remain silent when I hear a knock. I sigh. It's time...


"You look beautiful, my little star."

I look to the side to see father who smile at me. I smile back. Father will give me away, "Thank you father... I am happy that you are here with me. Are you ready to give me away?" He smiles and pat my hand gently, "The question is are you ready to open a new chapter of your life?"

I look at him speechless before looking down a bit before smiling as best as I can with hint of tear on the edge of my eyes, "I will be fine father... You have known him since we were children."

"I know what happen and I just want you to be happy. You are my star and soon you will be his moon in the darkness of night, please help and guide him throughout the future, my star. I believe that your friend is glad to have you fulfilling her last wish. No need to feel sad... You will be a wonderful Empress, wife and also a mother like your mother."

I am so glad to have him by my side. The door open and father walked me down the aisle. There at the end stood Claude in his royalty robe. He looks handsome and regal as he usually did, but his eyes... his jewel blue eyes seem cold, distant and sad. I am certain that it was somehow similar view reflected on my jewel amber eyes. Claude gives me his hand and I took his hand before we together walk few steps and stand in front of the minister. I look at Claude and I give him a small weak smile and although it doesn't mean much but seeing a little twitch at the corner of his mouth will do for now and I lightly squeeze his hand telling him that I am beside him and we are together in this situation now.

"My lords, my ladies, we stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife. One flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever." The minister then proceeds to tie a ribbon in a knot around our joined hands, which symbolizes our union. While he was tying the ribbon, he said, "Let it be known that His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia of Obelian Empire and Her Royal Highness, Princess Lucélia Mimi de Stella of Kingdom of Stella are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be thee who would seek to tear them asunder... Under the blessing of the heaven, sky, sun, moon, star and in the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity." He then unravels the ribbon from our hands.

He then continues, "Look upon each other and say the words..."

[Author's Note: Bold = Claude, Italic = Mimi]

Me and Claude look at one another, our hands still joined and we speak simultaneously, "By the blessing of the Heaven, Sky, Sun, Moon, Stars and under the guidance of Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger... I am hers and she is mine/I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days."

Then Claude takes the golden ring from the pillow case and put it on my fourth finger of the left hand while saying, "I, Claude de Alger Obelia, take thee, Lucélia Mimi de Stella, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

I take the other ring and put it on the fourth finger of his left hand, "I, Lucélia Mimi de Stella, take thee, Claude de Alger Obelia, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us part."

We continue simultaneously, "With this kiss, I pledge my love."

He opens my veil and we shared our first kiss as husband and wife which last for around 2 seconds, it was soft and warm despite that the irony there is no love present within the kiss. We then turn around to face the attendee while still joining our hand. The minister then announced, "Presenting His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia and Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Lucélia Mimi de Alger Obelia, the sun and moon of Obelian Empire."

Everyone in the hall chanted while bow down...

"Blessing and glory upon the sun and moon of the Obelian Empire!!"

"Blessings and glory upon the Obelian Empire!!"

"Blessings upon the endless river of stars, The Kingdom of Stella!!"

"All hail His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia, and Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Lucélia Mimi de Alger Obelia!!"

"Blessing and glory upon His Majesty, Emperor Claude and Her Majesty, Empress Lucélia!! Long may they reign!!" 

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now