Chapter 7

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Now me and Claude are alone in his room after sometimes Athanasia leave. We are in silence before I feel Claude's lean down and rest himself on my lap while closing his eyes, I smile.

"You did well Claude... I'm sorry that I've been cautious and tense when there is Athanasia with us. I'm glad that you did not do anything to her..." I say as I softly caress his hair.

"Are you doubting me that I will hurt my one and only daughter?"

"Hmmm... There is some possibility yes, but I know you are kind and just man. 5 years have passed and I am glad to say that you might slightly come back to the old Claude that I've known since we were children," I say smiling.


"She has grown so much since the last time I saw her... I am glad that she return to my life. Claude may I ask you something?"


"Will you take the chance really take the chance to have Athanasia as your daughter? Get to know her and raise her by your own... I also do not wish to part from her ever again. So, please Claude, I'm asking you would you take the chance?"

I look down and my jeweled amber eyes met with his jeweled blue eyes. I am waiting for his response.

"She's not my daughter..."


"She's not just my daughter anymore... She is yours too, Mimi..."

"Wh-what?" I asked shocked.

"Athanasia... She's your daughter just as mine too."

I smile and couldn't stop the tears of happiness falling down after what he said... What he said just now warmth my heart and I could feel my heart skipped a beat and blush then I smile, "Y-yes... she's ours Claude."

Claude... I'm glad there is flickers of hope for you to return and be the better man you are than before. Thank you Claude for letting me be the mother of your child. It seems that we have our own family Claude... Diana, am I doing okay? Will you protect my heart from falling in love with your former lover and father of your daughter?

(brief flashback)

" dearest Mimi... I entrust you with two of my precious loved ones. Please take care and loves His Majesty on my stead and take care also protect our child. That is my a favour I asked of you, Princess Lucélia Mimi de Stella..."

(brief flashback end)


Me and Claude are sitting down together at the throne room. We are now waiting for Athanasia and Lily. Not long after that, the two come in. I smile at Lily and Athanasia, especially Athanasia to ease her nervousness. Claude could be very difficult and give a big pressure on someone. That's what makes him fitted to be the Emperor.

"Welcome Lily, Athanasia... I hope you have wonderful morning today," I greets with a smile.

"Lilian York, long time no see," says Claude as he put his head resting on his right hand.

Sometimes I really wish that Claude could shows some little interest demeanor than this nonchalant and emotionless facade he has.

"Blessing and glory upon the sun and moon of the Obelian Empire," Lily greet while curtsied.

"I haven't been able to pay enough attention to my one and only daughter due to my duties at court, the same goes with my wife. But still, Athanasia has grown into such a healthy child. The credit belongs to you."

"You've been doing well in taking care of little Athanasia, Lily. I offer you our gratitude. I hope the princess did not cause any trouble for you these past years," I say with a smile.

I hate speaking and act like this but it was expected from an Empress to act, despite I really want to hug the both of them and speak random things like we did 5 years ago and playing with Athy. I inwardly pout...

"Thank you, Your Majesties," says Lily.

"However, from now on I and my wife will be looking into the princess' well-being, there will be no need to worry," added Claude with a smile on his face.

"Wouldn't that be great Athanasia? We will be able to spend more time together just like 5 years ago when I took care of you when you're still just a babe," I added with smile.

"Starting today, Princess Athanasia will be treated as a proper princess."

With that Lily and Athanasia have been dismissed. I wave and wink at Athy before she leaves and despite she still looks a bit scared and uncertain I could see her shoulder look relief and she even give a weak soft smile to me. I watch as the door to the throne room closed and I smile before looking at Claude.

"Well that went well my husband," I smile teasingly at him.

"Did you expect more, my wife?" He ask gently.

I shook my head and smile then take his hand which makes him look at me, "No... It's exactly what I expect. Although it will be quite nice if you let yourself to spend more time with Athanasia after that. But to me, knowing you this will have to do and it's enough."


"Even now you still doesn't like to say your feelings towards Athanasia," I chuckle, "You like your daughter and care for her deep down. You might not realize it fully yet, but I believe in you and I know you. I'm looking forward to spend more time within the three of us as family, Claude."

I wink and then walk down the throne heading to the door but then I heard Claude, "Don't be so confident, Mimi... You don't know what are you talking about."

I stop by the door and look back while slightly turn sideways, "You could deny as much as you want but I know... I am The Empress and your wife but overall above those, I have always been your best friend who knows you inside and out. So my dear husband, Your Majesty, Claude de Alger Obelia... I've always known you are a good man, it's futile to say otherwise with me, I could read you. See you later my dearest husband," I wink and leave the throne room followed by Gracie.

(Claude's POV)

I watch as Mimi went out from the throne room and couldn't help but smile slightly. Mimi has always been able to read me and take care of me with either her words or action. Seeing her now, that bubbly, cheerful and good-natured woman has blossom into such strong, mature, watchful woman who is fitted to be an Empress, mother and even perhaps potential lover...

Her endless trust towards me and the way she has always been there for me not even leaving me and her faith to me... Somehow it's warm and this feeling supposed to not be here anymore... but alas, Mimi being a quarter god might as well comes in handy to bring it back up.

This woman is troublesome and I might come to another dangerous territory, but somehow as long as it was her, I don't mind.

"Empress Lucélia Mimi de Alger Obelia, just what have you been doing to me now... How troublesome woman you are."

I couldn't help but smile and close my eyes... Maybe it's not too bad, this emotion to her... 

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now