ッℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙ッ

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   A/N: Whatever Rainbow saw (read to find out) wasn't originally what she was supposed to see, I thought it was a little too soon so I changed it. Just a heads up before you read. Enjoy :)

   After 3 and a half days of not being at Sweet Apple Acres, she finally entered the front door with her house keys in her hand. After closing the door behind her, she hung her keys on the key rack and seen that are 3 family members were all in the living room; Big mac, Applebloom and Granny Smith.

"Applejack!!" Applebloom shouted before running up to her and giving her a big hug. Applejack looked down at her little sister with a genuine smile. She chuckled and hugged back. 

"Hey Applebloom." She suddenly spoke. 

"How was your little trip?" Granny asked, sitting in her rocking chair as usual. She was looking at her oldest granddaughter with a soft smile on her face, Big mac smiled at her as well.

"It was fun," She said with a smile. "We did a lot of things The food at the hotel was good too, I'd do it again to be honest." Applejack continued, still keeping her smile.

"That sounds like fun! You should've taken me sis." Applebloom said. Applejack looked down at her little sister and giggled.

"I would've, but it was only for the big kids." Applejack replied. Applebloom raised an eyebrow at her older sister, whilst looking up at her. She looked at her as if she wasn't speaking English. 

"Umm hello?? I am a big kid." Applebloom said. Applejack shook her head and laughed, now Applebloom was irritated. 

"Ehh..not really." Applejack said, then she started laughing again. Applebloom rolled her eyes. To be specific about her age, she's 9. 

"Applejack...How did you get home?" Granny asked.

"Well, Caramel dropped us off at Sugarcube corner first. Then he offered me a ride back home afterwards." She replied.

"Aww now ain't that sweet, such a gentleman." Granny said with a smile. Applejack scratched the back of her neck and blushed slightly.

"Yeah...that was mighty nice of him. But he really didn't have to." Applejack said with a shrug.


   After spending some time with her family downstairs, taking a shower, etc, Applejack went upstairs to her room and shut the door behind her. She walked over to her bed and laid down on her stomach. She sat her phone somewhere near her on her bed, she didn't touch again after that. Not to check the time or anything. She sat there, thinking.

   She was thinking about her best friend, how she just walked off saying "i'm fine" knowing for a fact that she wasn't fine. She saw the tears and the pain in her eyes, Rainbow usually hides her tears and the pain. But something that had happened caused it to be hard to hide the pain. Even when she was able to hide the pain at times, Applejack could still sense that something was wrong. She knew Rainbow for entirely too long. Applejack was upset about that thought, she didn't like seeing Rainbow upset.  Remembering what she told her before she left made her more upset.

'..Wish I could say the same thing about my best friend.'

   What did she mean by that? Rainbow knows her better than anybody knows her.Applejack didn't admit it, but it did hurt her feelings. She just pretended everything was fine after she left. Her friends were constantly asking her if she was okay. She would either say, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." Or "I'm fine, nothing to worry about." But in reality, she was unsure, worried and upset. She decided to not think about it any longer and go to sleep. She'll speak to Rainbow tomorrow.

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