シℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟘シ

267 17 29

Two Months Later...

   It's been two months since Caramel and Applejack have been together and it's also been two months since that big argument with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Everything was alright in the world, even Rainbow was. Although her feelings for Applejack never went away, not even a little bit. 

   Rainbow did go see a therapist recently, she was getting better and knew she wouldn't need it for long. But her feelings never went away, her therapist also helped manage her temper since she knew it was bad. She has been doing better and informed her friends about it, they were happy for her, Especially Applejack, knowing that her best friend was doing good made her smile. 

   But did this last for long? No, of course it didn't...

   Three days ago...

    Applejack looked up at Caramel with fear in her eyes. She was so shocked, she didn't know how to react and stayed like that for a few minutes trying to process what was happening. 

"C-Caramel...W-What are you doing?"

"It's okay Applejack, just relax."

   Applejack blinked rapidly, she tried to hide the fact that she was scared. She was scared of what would happen after this. She couldn't help it but overthink and worry, although nothing was going to happen. 

"How am I supposed to relax, Caramel!?  This is-"

"Shhh." He said quietly, smiling shyly while caressing her cheek. He leaned towards her and kissed her passionately and Applejack immediately kissed back, forgetting about what she was worrying about. After a few minutes, he broke the kiss and smiled. 

"Caramel..." Applejack started, she looked at him in the eyes then looked at his lips and back at him again. "A-Are you sure?" Applejack asked. 

"I'm sure." He asked, "You don't have to be nervous, there's nothing to worry about."  Caramel said. Applejack thought about it, she believed that she would be fine, but she couldn't help it but still felt anxious. Caramel patiently waited for her to respond, he knew she was thinking and wanted her to take her time knowing that it was a huge risk. He knew that, they both did. They both couldn't help it at the moment though. They were already in the mood to begin with, so it was hard for Applejack to really disagree with it. Normally, she would've fought back and still said no, being the stubborn person she is. But she thought she should give it a try...it wasn't like Caramel was gonna take no for an answer anyway. Regardless, nothing was gonna happen.

   She exhaled before saying, "Go ahead, I trust you." Applejack said, her voice was unsteady because she was unsure. But she trusted Caramel, she thought about what Caramel said to her over and over again to calm herself down.

'There's nothing to worry about..'


   It was a regular Monday morning, Applejack woke up due to her alarm going off. She sat up and turned it off, debating if she should go to school or not. She felt so anxious for the past two days; Saturday and Sunday. Now she was going to go to school anxiously and she knew for a fact she wouldn't be able to focus with all of the worrying she'll be doing. But she had to get through it. She sighed and got out of bed, took a shower, brushed her teeth and washed her face. She wore an oversized black shirt with ripped jeans. 

   Applejack finished brushing her hair and doing the usual style she always did to her hair. She didn't feel like eating anything. She got her shoes and put her shoes on, she tied her shoes fast while still feeling anxious and overthinking more then she would normally do. When she was done with that, she heard her phone go off. She picked it up from beside her and looked at the screen, showing Rainbow's contact name and picture.

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