シℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛シ

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     Applejack woke up out of her sleep, breathing self-consciously. Looking around making sure what vision she just had wasn't reality. Which it wasn't. Applejack sighed in relief, she was glad that was over. Specifically, Applejack had a nightmare just now. It was about Rainbow doing...something that would have an effect on her life and others.

   It wasn't a good one either. She thanked God that it was just a dream. Applejack snapped back into reality and quickly grabbed her phone on her nightstand. When she did, she unlocked it and went to contact..but then realized that her and Rainbow weren't on the best terms. Applejack groaned and threw her phone to the side. 

   She took a look at the time, it was 2 in the morning. She would have to get up for school in the next few hours. But she couldn't sleep anymore, she wasn't tired and she was scared that she would have another nightmare. That one nightmare already had her second guessing about Rainbow Dash. Not just Rainbow, their friendship as well.

    She didn't know what they were anymore. Were they still best friends? Were they just friends? Associates? Regardless of their complicated friendship, she still cared about her and loved her like a little sister. She would do anything to make sure she was alright, even if it meant that they weren't ever gonna get back on the level they used to be. She didn't think much of it, she hoped they would make up eventually. But she knew it was gonna take a little time. 

   Suddenly, she heard her phone ring. She grabbed her phone off her bed and looked at who was calling. She was shocked. Caramel was calling her; her boyfriend. She didn't mind though, but what could he be calling for at this time of night? She answered the phone, she needed somebody to talk to right now anyways. 

"Hey Caramel."

"Hey AJ, what's up?"

"Nothing...why are you calling me at this time of night?"

"I already knew you were gonna ask that. But I couldn't sleep, I need someone to talk to until I fall asleep."

   Applejack chuckled, "That's a coincidence, I need somebody to talk to too."

"Well, now you got somebody to talk to."

   Applejack and Caramel just sat on the phone and talked. Applejack felt much better talking to Caramel, she forgot about the things that she was stressing about. It prevented her from overthinking. They both kept their voice down since it was late. Although, Caramel didn't live with anyone. 

   Applejack and Caramel had shared something in common for a while now. Caramel's father died when he was 3. Caramel's mother lives not too far from Caramel and he was the only child. But some of his cousins were like siblings to him though. Caramel is a year older than Applejack; 18 to be specific. Applejack at times often thought it was awkward since Caramel was considered as an adult and she still was a teenager (barely). Caramel kept convincing her that it was fine, they're both young adults anyway. Besides, it was only a year apart. 

"How have you been feeling?" Caramel asked. Applejack thought twice before saying how she really felt. She really didn't wanna share, but she could trust Caramel. She should be fine. 

"Umm..alright I guess." She replied.

"You sure?"

"...Mhm." Applejack gave him a slow reply, she nodded slowly on the other side of the call. Of course he couldn't see it, neither could he see the look on her face. Heck, she didn't even know what her facial expression looked like right now. But that didn't stop Caramel from thinking something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Caramel finally asked, after realizing his girlfriend wasn't okay. He could tell by the tone of her voice. She knew something was on her mind, and he was gonna get her to talk. 

☆𝙍𝙚𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙☆Where stories live. Discover now