シℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟠シ

170 9 10

"She did what!?"

"She called the police Caramel, what else could she had done? She saved my life."

"Yeah, but what about my mother??"

"Chill out sugarcube, it's only for a few-"

"Don't sugarcube me, Applejack! I did ask for help but I never said to call the police!"

"What else did you want her to do!? She couldn't just fight her, she's a grown woman!"

"She could've helped in a different way, Applejack. Now my mom's in jail and she'll be there for weeks!"

"What did you want her to do?! "talk it out with her" like that's even gonna help. She tried to kill me!"

    Applejack heard Caramel sigh through the phone, the silence made her feel anxious. She wanted to crash out, but she knew she couldn't do that even though she had a lot of feelings bottled up. Everything was happening so fast and there was a lot on her mind about everything, she couldn't think of a way to express the amount of pressure she felt for these past few months. Everything was happening all at once. Life was just moving forward, not backwards. But she could only live one day at a time.


"Save it, I don't wanna hear it Applejack."

   With that being said, Caramel hung up the phone. Applejack didn't get a chance to respond. She "gently" placed her phone on the desk stand and put her hands over her face. She could feel her blood boil as she violently tapped her foot on the floor whilst sitting in her chair with her desk in front of her. Her face slowly turned red and her thoughts rapidly flowed in her mind. 

   She stopped shaking her leg and placed her hands on her legs. She slowly inhaled, then exhaled.

'Just breathe, Applejack. Just breathe.' Applejack said to herself internally. She didn't know what had gotten into Caramel, but it wasn't really looking good. She decided to call her Rainbow and talk to her about what happened, just so she can calm down.

   She picked up her phone and went to her contacts, clicked on Rainbow's name and pressed the call button. The phone didn't ring for that long because Rainbow had answered immediately, Applejack was glad she did.

"What's up, AJ?"

"Hey RD, I need to talk to you. I'm livid right now."

"What's wrong?"

"You remember when Caramel asked you for help yesterday?"

"Yeah...what about it?"

"He got mad because you called the police and now his mother is enjoy for attempting to murder me."

"...Didn't he ask me for help though?"

"That's what I said, but he decided to get mad about it and now I'm mad."

"Don't waste your time being mad at him, Applejack. Just leave him be, but you guys do need to have a mutual conversation about the child."

"I wanna keep it, but I have to see if he agrees...disregarding the fact that he told me to get rid of it yesterday."

"You sure you wanna keep it? There's already a lot of weight on your shoulders, AJ. You're only 17 and you still got another year left of high school, do you really think you'll be able to take care of it?"

   Applejack thought about it for a moment, she knew Rainbow was right. Having one child alone was a lot of work, well the first few years that is. She still had to get all of her work done before she could conclude her junior year and needed to take some classes and tests to graduate, that's double the work.

☆𝙍𝙚𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙☆Where stories live. Discover now