シℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟝シ

261 7 18

   Applejack stared at Granny for a while, unsure what to say to her. She couldn't lie about it now, she already had found out. She was a terrible liar anyway. Caramel still had his arm wrapped around her for support. But the supportive and gentle contact didn't last for long because Granny had said something about it with the furious look she had on her face, it was both of their worst nightmares. True, Applejack was gonna tell her family about her pregnancy but she didn't want them to find out like this. 

   "Let go of her! I wanna hear what she has to say about this." Granny said while glaring at Applejack. She turned to Caramel and spoke again, "Do your mother know you are out here getting a 17 year old pregnant?! " Granny scolded, making Caramel jump a little at the sudden volume Granny was speaking in. Not that he hadn't heard her speak in that tone before, but the topic was insane and he and Applejack both were extremely uncomfortable and anxious.

"Granny..I..I'm sor-"

"Sorry ain't enough, Applejack! You know better than to not have babies while you're still in school. Caramel know better too even though he's an adult." Granny said. All of the yelling caused Big Mac and Applebloom to come towards her.

"What's going on Granny? Why are you yelling at my big sister?" Applebloom said, she looked up at Granny a little bit due to how short she was. That gene came from her mother, because she wasn't that tall herself. Her reddish orange eyes didn't take her eye off of her grandmother that was yelling at the only image she had of her mother. 

   Granny looked down at her youngest granddaughter and sighed softly, "Apple bloom, go downstairs sugar." Granny spoke softly. Apple bloom just stood there, she wanted to tell her no. But she already knew how her grandmother was. Whatever she said, that's how it was gonna go no matter what. She looked at Applejack with a worried look on her face while Applejack was close to crying, but she tried her best to hide it. Applejack just nodded at her little sister, telling her to go downstairs . 

   Applebloom sighed and said, "Okay." You can say that she was mumbling when she responded. Without any other words being said, she went downstairs and stayed there.

"What's going on?" Big mac asked. 

"Applejack is pregnant." Granny said, her facial expression was blank.

"WHAT!?" That was the loudest Big Mac has ever been in a while. He looked at the pair in disbelief, he just stared and didn't say anything. His mind was filled with nothing but responses that he would regret saying eventually; to Caramel specifically. As for his sister, he wanted to yell at her too. Not only was she a mother, that was his and Applebloom's niece or nephew. The baby was also the new member of the Apple family.

"W-We had prote-"

"Get out." Big mac said, his voice was low and it also sounded a bit threatening. 

"But I-"

"I SAID LEAVE!" Big mac shouted. Caramel didn't waste no time after that. He gave Applejack a small peck on the cheek before leaving out the door. He didn't make eye contact with Granny or Big mac, but he knew there were eyes on him and tried to ignore it. 

"Now Applejack, you have some explaining to do." Granny said, she was no longer yelling. Her voice was more calmer than earlier but there was a hint of frustration in her voice, it wasn't hard to miss.

"No, no need to explain. I've heard enough." Big mac said quietly, but loud enough for Applejack and Granny to hear. Big Mac sighed and violently tapped his right foot on the wooden floor, intrusive thoughts flowing in his mind like the ocean. The amount of intrusive thoughts he had thought about was too much for anybody to remember. Before he said anything, he sighed.

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