シℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟚シ

262 9 33

   Rainbow struggled to get out of that person's grip. Caramel just stood there; a little shocked, he didn't know what to do. Should he run? Or should he stay? He just didn't know. He also needed to apologize to Applejack, although sorry wasn't really gonna take the baby out of her stomach. He couldn't believe that he made himself a father by accident by thinking some silly protection wasn't gonna get Applejack pregnant. Well...it's called that for a reason. Maybe he did something wrong? He didn't know what happened, he couldn't really remember what had happened after that session but happened to remember everything they had done and said. 

"Ma'am, you need to calm down. Just breathe for a minute." The woman holding Rainbow back said. To be more specific, it was a police officer. The police happened to see what was going on and immediately went over to them. 

"NO! LET GO OF ME!" Rainbow shouted. She tried her hardest to get out of her grip, but more police officers came over to help her. This was a frustrating Rainbow even more. The lights on the police car and the noise woke up everyone in the house behind them. 


   Applejack slowly opened her eyes and sat up on her bed. She woke up from the noise that was going on outside, although it sounded a little muffled. She looked around and noticed Rainbow was nowhere to be seen, she figured she probably went home. She saw red and blue lights flashing outside of her window, making her be concerned about what was going on. They were a little too close to her house for her liking, so she decided to check it out. 

   Applejack stretched before getting out of bed. She slowly walked over to the window and peaked. Applejack's eyes widened, she couldn't believe her eyes. She saw Caramel, Rainbow Dash and a few police officers. Applejack wasn't stupid, never was in the first place. This could only mean one thing. Applejack ran her fingers through her hair and groaned loudly, but not too loud.

"What part of what I said did she not understand!?" Applejack scolded to no one in particular. She went in her closet and put on her coat and her slides. She walked out of her room and saw Applebloom already coming out of her room herself. Then she seen Big mac right after she saw Applebloom, but she didn't see Granny Smith. She must've been in the living room already.

"Ya'll heard that noise outside too?" Big mac said, keeping his voice down even though the whole house was awake already. 

"Yeah." Applejack said. She looked away from Big mac and tucked a strain of blonde hair behind her ear, cursing internally.

"I can't go back to sleep." Applebloom said tiredly. All 3 siblings went downstairs and headed to the front door, Granny was already at the door. 

"Now do ya'll know what the hay is going on out here?? I'm trying to get my rest and I hear the police outside." Granny exclaimed. You can almost say she was a little cranky because she was woken up out of her sleep. Applejack was slightly shaking and so many things were on her mind right now, making her anxious. Will her family find out?

   Granny finally opened the door, all four of them were shocked because of what they were seeing. They were also confused, except Applejack. She knew exactly what had happened and she needed to fix it right now before it got worse. Applejack and her family stood there dumbfounded. Applebloom and Granny were shocked when they saw Rainbow like this, Big mac saw her like this enough to know that she had bad anger issues and of course Applejack already knew this. 

   Rainbow somehow was able to get out of all three of the police officers grip that was on her. She ran over to him before the police caught her. She was aiming for a punch. But because the police caught her before she could, the only thing she did was pull his hair, causing him to fall on his knees. 

☆𝙍𝙚𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙☆Where stories live. Discover now