シℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟜シ

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Check my poems I recently wrote and commented your opinions. :) The title is "One hundred relatable poems" And thank you for 5k votes. :)

   Applejack, Twilight and Sunset's eyes widened at the sudden confession. They all remained speechless. Rainbow wasn't really thinking straight right now due to her being so fed up. Besides, she had felt this way for Applejack for a while. It was only a matter of time before the truth had come out. Despite the fact that her head was still hurting--and it started to hurt more--it didn't stop her from saying what was needed to be said, although she wasn't fully wise of what she was saying. 

"I really am, alright? Since you wanna know so bad, that's the truth. I'm crazy about you, Applejack. That's why I'm jealous, I wish I was in Caramel's position but life isn't fair." Rainbow said, her voice cracked so much to the point that it was obvious she was gonna cry any moment. Sunset and Twilight looked at each other in shock, most likely they were thinking the same thing. 'Since when?' They both thought, they were aware that they were possibly thinking the same thing. You might as well say that their thoughts had synced together at that moment.

   Rainbow sighed shakily before continuing, "I have so much feelings for you, Applejack. It's not just a crush, I'll admit that. It's way more than that, that's the big reason why I was really heated about what you did. Believe it or not, I'm jealous of that too. But what can I do?" Applejack was so shocked to the point that she had nothing to say anymore. She had no idea the big reason would be this, she started feeling bad at that moment. So much for talking to her, she took her feelings out on her and now looks where they are. 

"I'm surprised you didn't realize that, it was so obvious." Rainbow had tears in her eyes, she tried her best to hold back. She looked away from Applejack, afraid that she would breakdown if she looked at Applejack once more. 

   Then she continued, "I felt that way for a long time, I just couldn't tell you. You were already in a relationship, you still are. There was no point in telling you. Still, you guys should've never done that but at the same time I wish that was me. No matter how hard I try, I can't let go and I can't stop feeling the way I feel as much as I want to. No matter how mad or stressed you make me feel often, I still love and care about you, Applejack. Not just as a best friend either, it's more than that but you and I both know we won't ever become more than that." Rainbow said. She looked up at the ceiling and blinked rapidly, stopping tears from falling down her face. She turned her head to face Applejack again.

"That's if we are still best friends. Honestly, things haven't even been the same between us. We both damaged this friendship and we can't blame nobody but ourselves and only we can fix this problem, but taking Caramel's side without fully comprehending how I feel isn't helping! You're right, it doesn't matter how I feel about your relationship. But do my feelings even matter to you Applejack? You didn't even bother to think before telling me something that you should've known deep down that I wouldn't listen to? YOU had the audacity to make me feel bad about myself, I already need therapy, Applejack! Not just because of the pain I feel that caused me to hurt myself, but I need help coping with my anger the right way. You know this, you even told me this multiple times a while back. So I don't even know why you got mad at me." Rainbow exclaimed, emphasizing her words. She went from being upset, to angry. Just like that, then again she felt both. She could feel her blood boil as she spoke. Applejack just simply stared at Rainbow's bright magenta eyes.

"I am beyond heartbroken, Applejack. Knowing that I would never have a chance to be with somebody I actually want. You do though, and I hope you're happy. I hope he's treating you the way I would treat you if I was him. Despite how I'm feeling, I still care about your happiness I don't even prioritize my own sometimes! I hope Caramel does you the same way. I'm not saying I'm not happy at all, but I love you so much to the point that it affects my ego at least 25 percent! You wanna know why!? Because I feel like I can't even express my own feelings anymore without being criticized by my own best friend! You have NO RIGHT to tell me to stop feeling a certain way, I can't stop you from having strong feelings for Caramel now can I?!" Rainbow stopped and quietly winced in pain, placing the palm of her hand on her head. It only lasted for a few seconds. 

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