シℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟠シ

252 13 10

   Rainbow turned around, her eyes widened when she saw who it was; it was Applejack. Applejack was looking at her, she looked irritated and tired. That was because she had just woken up from her nap. Looking at Applejack's irritated and tired eyes made Rainbow's heart drop.

"A-Applejack I-"

"Don't say anything, I heard enough." Applejack said, her thick accent was thicker than usual. Usually it made Rainbow's heart skip a beat and it gave her butterflies, but Applejack sounded like she was angry. Not that mad, but she was mad. 

"Applejack?? What are you doing here?" 

"I can ask you the same thing Soarin, what the heck are you doing kissing my best friend on the low?" Applejack asked, slightly raising her eyebrow. Her voice was low, but loud enough for Rainbow and Soarin to hear.

"I just didn't want people watching us kiss.." He replied, he was now concerned. He wondered what was gonna happen after this, but he also didn't wanna know. Applejack walked over to Soarin, now they were face to face.

"Listen and listen well, I know a lot of girls like throwing themselves at you. But if you cheat on her, I'ma kill you. You understand what I'm telling you?" Applejack said. Soarin gulped and nodded. Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash, keeping the same facial expression. It didn't even change a little bit.

"As for you, why didn't you tell me this??" Applejack asked. Rainbow was lost for words, she didn't know what to say or do at this point. 

   She sighed, "I didn't want nobody to know that I kissed him."

"You didn't want nobody to know?" She repeated, a dry chuckle followed behind it. "Rainbow Dash, you could've at least told me. I thought we talked about this."

"Why would I tell you if I don't even-"

"Just like how you found out about me and Caramel, I found out about you and Soarin almost the same way. I guess it was meant to happen, how are we best friends and we're finding out each other's secrets ourselves." Applejack said. Applejack's attitude was slowly coming, she was lucky her attitude didn't fully activate. She saw Applejack with an attitude, it's not good. But not as bad as hers. Rainbow was still patient with her, she knew she was in her shoes once so she didn't get mad. 

"Look Applejack, this was all a misunderstanding okay? I wasn't trying to keep secrets from you on purpose, I just...well..." Rainbow trailed off, she wanted to say that she didn't like Soarin and she wasn't thinking when  he kissed her. In fact, she was thinking of Applejack when she did. She thought he was Applejack, but soon she realized he wasn't. 

"That's what I thought." Applejack said. She was leaving to go back upstairs but Rainbow grabbed her wrist.

"Applejack wait-"

"Let go!" Applejack said, getting a little louder. Rainbow's eyes widened.

"Just...leave me alone." Applejack said, then she went upstairs. Rainbow and Soarin looked at each other, they both were concerned.

"Umm...should we talk about this tomorrow or..?" He asked. Rainbow took a minute to respond, she didn't wanna talk about this at all. She just wished she never kissed him in the first place, none of this would've happened. 

   As she slowly closed the door, she said "Yeah..t-tomorrow.." She said. then she closed the door without saying another word, leaving Soarin dumbfounded. 

   Rainbow Dash went upstairs, she went straight to her room. Before she did, she peaked in there to see Applejack. She looked like she was thinking, her knees were up to her chest. Rainbow sighed, she hoped Applejack wasn't that mad to the point that she would leave. She could really use some company right now. 

☆𝙍𝙚𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙☆Where stories live. Discover now