Jude ~ Accident

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It was a bright sunny day in Spain, your boyfriend Jude was at training, doing drills in the scorching heat, even tho you know he loved his job, you couldn't help but feel a little bad for Jude. He must be so exhausted from the long day he is having.

You decided to call him to check in just incase if he was near his phone.

Surprisingly he answered the phone. "Hi babe" he says sounding drained.

"Hey baby, are you ok?" You enquired

"Yeah all good baby just so tired, and this heat is no joke."

"Aww my poor baby, I honestly don't know how you're managing, I wish I could just give you a hug."

"Why don't you" Jude responds quickly

"What do you mean my love" you say back confused.

"Come and watch training, and then after we can go and grab some lunch or something."

"Aww Jude that sounds perfect, I'd love to come" you say excitedly.

"Ok great I'll see you soon then yeah ?" He asks happily.

"Yesss, very soon baby" you say back dragging the s sound. Jude laughs as you end the call.

You smiled at your phone excitedly. You had really missed Jude because of how much time he has been spending with the team, you quickly jumped in the shower, did some quick hair and makeup and got dressed.

Your outfit

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Your outfit

You thought it was a little bit too much but you missed your boyfriend and wanted to look nice for him so you went with it anyway.

Once you arrived at the training ground you walked straight through to the pitch area where you saw Jude looking absolutely shattered.

As soon as he made eye contact with you he jogged over to you, he planted a soft kiss on your lips

"Hey baby, you look gorgeous." He says sweetly

"Thank you" you blush a little.

"You can sit here" Jude gestures you towards the stadium seats "once we finish up, I'll get showered quickly and we will
Go for lunch, sound ok?" He says as he tucks some hair behind your ear.

"That sounds perfect baby." You say as you go on your tiptoes to give him another kiss.

Suddenly you hear all the boys whistling making you pull apart you both laugh and Jude takes you to your seat and then returns to the pitch.

As the training session continues you just sit on the side lines enjoying the front seat view of your handsome boyfriend as his sweaty body glistens in the sunlight.

Your eyes fixated on Jude as he runs up and down the pitch so you don't notice the ball coming straight towards your face.

The last thing you hear is Jude screaming your name at the top of his lungs and all of a sudden everything goes black.

You feel an agonising sting as your eyes try to focus on your surroundings. All you can hear is white noise as your blurred vision begins to clear.

Suddenly your eyes focus on Jude's face, he is towering over you his face full of concern.

Your hands immediately reach for your nose as you feel the pressure building up in that area. You squint your eyes closed as the pain begins to settle in.

"Baby?! Baby can you hear me" Jude says erratically.

You begin to nod but immediately stop as even the slightest movement is causing you excruciating pain.

"Ouch" you complain as your hands are still firmly attached to your nose.

"I'm so so sorry y/n, I'm so sorry, I don't know how I did that, please forgive me" Rodrygo says apologetically.

Jude's jaw clenches in anger at the sound of Rodrygo's voice

"Just move away from her" Jude says trying to control the anger that is seething out of him.

Rodrygo takes a few steps back as he places his hands on his temple in despair "Jude please, I'm so sorry, y/n I'm sorry"

"It's ok rodry I'll be fine." You say trying to make him feel a bit better.

Jude's face still visibly furious, he averts his attention from Rodrygo and focuses on you, "baby move your hand, let me see." Jude says as he places his veiny hands on yours.

"I can't Jude, it hurts so bad." You say in response.

"I know it does baby, but I'm right here ok" Jude says as he rubs your hand trying to get you to let go.

You loosen your grip on your nose and begin to lower your hands. Jude's brows furrow in concern as his hand quickly replaces yours, you feel the hot liquid begin to pour out of you nose. Jude held his hand against the bridge of your nose in an attempt to slow the bleeding.

The aching pain ringing through your head your eyes focus on Jude hoping that he will distract you from the pain you're feeling.

"Someone get some tissues" Jude calls out

"I'll go" Rodrygo says trying to be helpful

"Not you" Jude says sternly as some of the other boys run off to get some tissue and water.

"You're gonna be ok baby, I've got you" Jude says reassuringly as he strokes your hair and softly plants a kiss on your forehead.

When the boys came back with the tissue Jude moved his hands that were covered in blood and replaced it with the tissue. It was only then that you realised just how much you were bleeding, the sight of Jude covered in your blood made you feel light headed but you tried to ignore it.

"Come here baby you've got to move out of the sun." Jude says as he moves the boys to the side with his hand gestures. You try to stand but the second you do your legs give out and you stumble back down. Jude catches you before you fall and picks you up bridal style and carries you to a shaded area of the pitch. He pours cold water over your face to try and bring you out of your daze.

"I'm ok" you repeated, trying to convince yourself and everyone else that you would be fine. Jude's expression remained unconvinced as he wiped away the last bits of blood from your face.

"I'm sorry I ruined your white kit" you say as Jude smiles lightly.

"You could never ruin anything baby, even if you tried." He lovingly whispered back to you. He kisses your forehead firmly reassuring you that you will be ok.


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