Jude ~ Shoulder

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You sat snuggled up in your large jacket and scarf, wrapped up in them as you drowned in all the excess material. You watched on closely as Real Madrid played in the cold.

You sipped on your hot coffee needing the warmth that it was providing as you see Jude fall onto the ground. You quickly put down your coffee and watched closely trying to ascertain how bad the fall was.

As soon as Jude's face came into view you saw how much pain he was in, you could see him yelping in pain but couldn't hear his screams due to the sound in the stadium.

You bit down on you lip firmly as you watched Jude roll around clutching onto his shoulder desperately, the medics rush onto the field to help Jude as they could see he was in pain. You watched in fear as you bit down on your lip so hard you began to taste the metallic taste of blood.

You let your lip free from between your teeth and continued to watch on as Jude shifted uncomfortably under the massage of the physio, you wanted to scream and rush down and help but you didn't want to miss what was happening by going inside and making your way down to the tunnels.

A few moments later you saw Jude stand up, he rolled his shoulder back and forth as he searched for you amongst the vip boxes, his eyes fell on yours, your deep frown settling slightly as Jude mouthes that he is ok.

Jude got bandaged up on the side of the pitch before joining the game again, you watched on in horror for the rest of the game, worried that he was going to hurt himself again.

You could see that Jude was still hurting and you wanted him to be subbed off but you knew no one would listen to you.

As the final whistle blew you rushed down to the tunnel immediately waiting for Jude to emerge. The sound of studs clattering against the hard floors filled the room as you searched through the sea of white shirts for your boyfriend.

"Jude" you said relieved to see him as he pulled you tight to his chest. You both stayed there in silence as you felt the comfort of each others embrace.

"Are you ok baby." You asked almost in a sob as you remained holding onto Jude tightly.

"I'm ok baby" Jude said rubbing your back gently as he placed a kiss to the top of your head.

"Are you sure babe." You said still squeezing Jude's waist tightly.

"I'm sure princess." Jude chuckled as he felt your grip tighten.

"Excuse me, Jude." A man said pulling both of your attention towards him.

"I need to check your shoulder, please follow me." The man said with a tight smile.

Jude took your hand and you both walked with the man into a room full of strange equipment.

"You can come inside no problem, but please don't touch his shoulder." The man said politely in his thick accent.

"No problem, I'll stand on the other side." You smiled as you took Jude's hand.

"Can you remove your shirt please Jude." The man said as Jude struggled to lift his arm to take his top off, your face filled with concern again as you saw the pain on Jude's expression.

"I'm fine babe" Jude said as he noticed the look on your face.

"You don't look fine." You said with sadness in your voice as the man checked Jude's shoulder and re wrapped it in bandages.

"Looks painful but you should be ok, keep massaging the area and make sure you're very careful with it, do not use these muscles too much, no carrying heavy objected and I'd suggest you take a few weeks off of football." The man spoke as he fiddled with his glasses.

"I'm going to give you this sling to wear when it gets painful and will also give you these painkillers." He said as he handed Jude the items.

"Alright, thank you." Jude said as he stood up from the table and handed you the things to put in your bag. You helped him slowly put on his top without moving his arm too much before making your way towards the car.

"Let's get you home and rested." You said as you opened the drivers seat door and got in, you and Jude spoke the whole way home, he seemed to be ok apart from when he moved his shoulder.

Once you arrived home you opened the door and Jude slumped onto the sofa.

"I'm so tired." Jude said resting his head back as he closed his eyes.

"Do you want some dinner." You chuckled at him as you watched him manspread on the sofa.

"Later, right now, I need a hug." Jude said as he pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around you.

"Jude be careful you're going to hurt yourself." You said laughing as you tried to avoid touching his shoulder.

"I'm fine babe, I just need you in my arms." Jude said softly as he rested his head against your shoulder.



Sorry it's a little shorter than usual I've been super busy today, I'm also going to have a really busy day tomorrow and I'm unsure if I'll be able to post😭 I'm so sorry girlies !!

If you haven't already please give my new book a read, all your support has been so amazing so far ❤️❤️

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