Jude ~ Protective Father p.2

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It is safe to say your conversation didn't go well so you thought you'd give your daughter a few days to calm down.
A few days later, things had started to settle down. Jasmin was talking to Jude again and things seemed to be looking up.

"Darling are you sure you don't want to come, you know grandma will want to see you." You say as you place a kiss on your daughters cheek.

"I know but I have a lot of work to do for school. Tell her I said hello and that I miss her." Jasmin says sweetly.

"Of course we will. Remember call if you need anything, anything at all ok." Jude says to your daughter as he pulls her in for a tight hug.

"Ouch dad that hurts" she says under Jude's strong arms.

"Sorry darling, but make sure!" He says as he lets go reluctantly.

"Will do, don't worry guys I'll be fine." She says as she waved goodbye to you both.

You began making your way to Jude's parents house, Jaylan and Jacob sat in the back as Jude drove.

You spent most of the journey hand in hand, having quiet discussions you didn't want the kids to hear.

Jude's parents lived about 45 minutes away so Jacob had fallen asleep and Jaylan had his headphones in listening to music.

Once you got there Jude picked up Jacob who was still asleep and you picked up Jacobs bag. Jaylan got out of the car and and stood next to you and you held onto Jude's free hand. Jaylan rang the bell and came back to your side.

Denise opened the door with a huge smile on her face.

"Omg my babies are finally here" she says as she gives Jaylan a massive hug, her loud reaction caused Jacob to wake up so she pulled him out of Jude's arm.

"Oh my goodness Jacob you're getting so big." She says to Jacob making him laugh.

"Where's Jasmin?" Denise asked with a confused look on her face.

"She's at home, she has a lot of homework to do." Jude says.

"Oh no what a shame." She says.

"Y/n, my darling, come here" she says as she gestures to give you a hug.

You let go of Jude's hand and give her a large hug. She holds you tightly evidently happy to see you.

"What about me, you only birthed me, didn't you miss me." Jude asked his mum.

"Of course I did, come here" she says pulling him into a hug.

You sit down in the living room having conversation while the kids play with mark. Your leg begins to shake as you start to worry about leaving Jasmin alone for the first time.

"I'm so sorry Denise but I really think I should go and check on Jasmin, Jude you should stay and I'll come and get you guys later when you're ready." You say to them both.

"You know, I was thinking the same, accept, you should stay and I'll go and check on her." Jude said back to you.

"Why don't you both go, check on Jasmin make sure she's ok, then you can spend some time together without the kids and then when you're ready you can come back and get them."

"Really you don't mind" you ask Denise.

"Of course not, I love these babies, I wish I could keep them." She says with a smile.

You look up at Jude for his input.

"Some alone time would be nice" he says as he places a kiss on your forehead. "Ok let's do it" he says.

𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now