Jude ~ Date Night

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Jude pulled you in abruptly as a loud bang sounded from downstairs, the sound mixed with the feeling of Jude gripping onto you caused your eyes to fly open.

"What was that." You croaked out as you placed your hand against Jude's hard chest.

"I've got no idea." He said as his lips pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"Maybe one of the kids." You said closing your eyes again.

"It's 8am on a Sunday, why don't we have normal kids." Jude let out a deep sigh as he rubbed against your back causing you to laugh.

"I know, most parents have to wrestle to get their kids out of bed and ours are up before us." You chuckled as you placed a kiss against Jude's chest.

"Is that a sign that they want us to get up?" Jude asked as he massaged his hands in your hair.

"Probably, but I'm so tired." You said hugging into Jude further.

"I know beautiful, you never stop, you really deserve a rest." Jude said taking your hand into his.

"I really could do with a night off." You laughed

"I could take the kids out tonight, you can either go out with some friends, or stay in and have a chill night." Jude offered sweetly.

"No babe it's fine, you've finally got a day off I'm not spending the day away from you." You said burying into Jude's neck.

"Why don't we do a date night then, we haven't been out in ages." Jude said as he looked up at a the ceiling.

"That sounds perfect baby, it really has been so long." You said closing your eyes again.

"We've got to find someone to look after the kids." Jude said "but we can worry about that in a few hours, let's get some more sleep." Jude whispered kissing your forehead again and closing his eyes.

You began drifting to sleep when you heard a loud knock at the door followed by the sound of your daughter walking into your bedroom. You squint your eyes closed as you hear Jude let out a loud sigh.

"Jasmine, I've told you a thousand times." Jude croaked out.

"What! I knocked." She said rolling her eyes.

"Did you hear me say come in?" Jude questioned.

"Whatever, mum can my friends come over tonight." She asked

"Hey, why you asking your mum and not me." Jude asked with a frown.

"Because she's the boss." Jasmine shrugged making you chuckle.

"Not arguing with that." Jude laughed as he rested his head back down on the pillow.

"Sure you can baby." You said to your daughter hoping that she would leave the room.

"I thought we were going out today, we can't add more kids to look after." Jude said to you.

"Oh yeah." You said closing your eyes again. "Do you mind doing it tomorrow instead Jas?" You asked her as you lifted your head from Jude's chest.

"I really wanted to see them today." Jasmine said sounding disappointed.

"It's ok darling we can reschedule, your friends can come over." You said, Jasmine smiled brightly thanking you and rushing back out of the room.

"Babe, this is why we never go out, you need to put yourself first sometimes." Jude said stroking your back.

"I know but I can't help it." You said sighing in frustration.

𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now