Jude ~ Labour

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You laid in bed, fast asleep after struggling to get comfortable for hours. Jude was laid behind you, he was the big spoon and he had his arm wrapped around you. His big hand was open and placed it onto your belly protectively and lovingly.

Jude's whole world was his unborn child, he was so excited for the birth part of it all and you were both counting down the days to your due date.

You began stirring around a little bit in discomfort. Jude woke up immediately, he had been extra attentive since you got pregnant, he kissed down on your shoulder and began to rub your belly trying to provide you with some comfort.

It worked. Jude's touch and presence was the one thing you could count on to keep you relaxed and grounded. You let out a deep breath and placed your hand on top of Jude's.

"You feeling ok baby?" He asked softly into your ear.

"Yeah I'm ok, just don't let go of me." You say closing your eyes again ready to try and go back to sleep.

"Never." Jude said placing another kiss to your shoulder as he scooted closer to you.

A few minutes later you began drifting back to sleep when you felt a sharp pain shooting up and down your whole body.

You groan loudly in pain as your face screws up and your eyes close, you place a hand onto your belly holding it, desperate for any relief.

"What's wrong babe." Jude says as rubs your belly softly, his touch provided some comfort but the pain was too strong.

"It hurts so bad Jude." You say letting out another loud groan.

"Oh my god, do we need to go to the hospital?" Jude said as he rushed to his feet.

"No, I don't think it's labour, it's still too early, my due date is next week." You said to Jude who was standing in front of you.

"But baby, if you're in pain we should go to the hospital." Jude says his face full of worry.

"If the pain carries on we will go to the hospital." You say reassuringly.

You sit up and swing your legs over so they're dangling off the bed. Jude gets on his knees in front of you and begins to kiss your belly and holding you closely. The pain begins to fade away, you smile down as him as you can see the love in his eyes.

"Baby can I get you something, like some water or some tea or anything." Jude asked you while he rubbed your back softly.

"Maybe some water please baby." You say with a smile.

"Of course baby coming right up." Jude says as he places a quick kiss against your lips and disappeared out of the room.

A few seconds after Jude left the room the shooting pain sensation refills your whole body you let out a loud shout of pain as you throw your head back closing your eyes tightly.

"Babe, baby are you ok?" You hear Jude running up the stairs. He rushes to your side, you're too in pain to respond to him.

Jude takes both of your hands into his and places a delicate kiss on them. He squeezes his eyes shut, the sound of your cry breaking his heart, he whispers soft and sweet words to try and soothe your pain.

As the pain dies down again you are able to open your eyes, you look at Jude and his eyes are full of worry and fear. He places a kiss to your lips and holds you close to him.

"I'm so sorry I did this to you." Jude says with a serious look on his face, you laugh a little at his seriousness.

"I love you." You say to him as he holds you close.

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