Jude ~ Embarrassed

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Your head was resting against Jude's shoulder as you both sat comfortably on the sofa. You were talking to Jobe who was discussing his reasons for withdrawing from international duty.

"No I think it's a good idea, you need a rest Jobe, you've played every single match since the start of the season." You said as you held onto Jude's arm.

"Yeah I know, just feel a bit guilty not playing for England." Jobe said crossing his arms over his chest as he leant back on the sofa.

"Yeah I understand that but the last thing you want is to get hurt like this one over here." You said referring to Jude as a small smile formed on his face.

"Yeah you're right, it'll be fine." Jobe said shaking away the doubt about his decision.

"Yeah pushing yourself is good but you've got to know when to take a break." Jude said, helping to settle his brothers mind.

"Finally an international break where you're both free at the same time it's going to be so much fun." You smiled as Denise walked into the room.

"I need to go to the shops, I'm really tired and I don't want to drive who wants to take me." She smiled brightly waiting to hear the response.

"Uhh my shoulder hurts, I can't." Jude lied as he turned to place a kiss on your cheek to avoid his mothers knowing gaze.

"I can't I just had training, I need a nap." Jobe said as he faked a yawn.

"I'll take you, you guys are rubbish." You said, as you were about to stand up Jude held you to stop you from moving.

"No you can't go I need you to look after me." He said as he clutched onto his shoulder.

"Don't be dramatic Jude, we won't be long, an hour or two." Denise said trying to convince Jude.

"No I need her sorry." He said to his mum "Jobe, go on, please." Jude said looking at his brother.

"Alright I'll take you." Jobe said standing up and stretching, he picked up his keys and they both left the house.

"That was mean Jude, Jobe has just come back from training and he's got a lot on his mind, you should have gone or you should have let me go." You said to him as you rested back on his shoulder.

"I know but I just want to spend some time with you baby, I really don't want to leave the house." Jude said as he pulled you into his lap.

"I know baby, next time try and be a little bit more considerate ok." You said as you pecked his lips softly.

"I will baby." Jude says as he runs his hands up and down your back.

"How is your shoulder anyway?" You ask

"It's fine." Jude laughed as you shook your head at him. He pulled you into him causing you to rest your head against the crook of his neck.

"Are you telling me this isn't better baby?" Jude whispered softly as you closed your eyes and exhaled softly in agreement.

You placed a soft kiss against Jude's neck as he continued to rub against your body, you lifted your head slightly and Jude took this opportunity to place his lips on yours.

You kissed him back taking in the comfort that he provided, your arms wrapped around him as you continued to kiss him passionately.

Jude's hands began wondering beneath your clothes slowly and softly caressing your smooth skin as he did so.

You felt Jude begin to twitch and grow beneath you which made a soft moan leave your mouth. The kiss got quicker and more intimate as Jude began grinding against you, more moans left your mouth due to the feeling of Jude against you.

𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now