Jobe ~ Insomnia

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You stared up at the ceiling letting out the occasional puff of air. You felt Jobe's warm breath against the top of your head. He was fast asleep, his lips were pressed against your hair. You shut your eyes tightly trying to fall asleep but your mind was racing.

Jobe was working extra hard in the gym and at training, you were getting worried that he was going to hurt himself, and he has come close many times. It sounded silly and didn't feel like something that should keep you awake at night but you just couldn't help it.

You tried to clear your mind and get some much needed rest, but Jobe's breathing was a constant reminder that something bad could happen to him. You turned your body to face him. You stared at him scanning his face and every muscle movement or eye twitch, you knew you were being dramatic but tears started to flow out of your eyes.

You sniffled quietly trying not to wake Jobe but it didn't work. Jobe opens his eyes slowly, his eyes focus on you and his brow furrows, he pulls you in and tightens his grasp on you.

"Baby, what's the matter." Jobe croaks out as he squeezes you in assurance.

"I'm so sorry I woke you." You say trying to stop your tears from flowing.

"Don't worry about that baby, what's wrong? Why aren't you asleep." He says placing a kiss on your forehead.

"I just can't sleep." You say against his soft skin.

"But why are you crying my love?" He questions.

"I'm just...," you struggle to say. "I'm just worried you're going to get hurt, and I just cannot bare to see you hurt or in pain." You blurt out all at once.

"What makes you think I'm going to get hurt?" He says looking down at you with a slight smile on his face as he used the pads of his thumbs to wipe away the tears brimming your eyes.

"Because, you push yourself so hard and you don't give yourself a break, how many times have you almost had a serious injury and h-" Jobe cuts you off as you begin to ramble.

"Hey baby, baby calm down, please." He said as he kissed you on the lips. His soft lips brush over yours spilling love and reassurance into you.

You take a few deep breaths and look into your boyfriends eyes.

"I just love you so much that it physically hurts. The thought that you might really hurt yourself makes me feel sick to my stomach." You confess to him.

He pulls you in and kisses you again, his lips make you feel like time stands still every time they touch yours.

"I love you so much, I wish I could put it into words baby, I swear their aren't enough words to even describe how I feel about you, you are literally my whole life. And I promise I won't get hurt. If you need me to take it easy with football, I absolutely will, whatever you want whatever makes you happy." Jobe declares as he pulls your face in and crashes his lips back onto yours. You feel the electricity flowing through your body and your nerves begin to settle.

"How did I get so lucky" you say as your lips detached from each other.

"Are you joking, I'm literally the luckiest man in the world." He says as he strokes your cheek, you feel his love pouring into you.

You tighten your arms around his waist and place peppered kisses all over his chest, you bury your head into him and let out a deep breath.

"I'm feeling much better now baby, thank you so much." You say against his toned chest.

"Next time you feel like this, please tell me, I'll always listen." He says lovingly. "I can't have you shedding any of those precious tears."

"I'm sorry baby, I'll tell you next time." You say still pressed against him.

"Do you feel ok to get some rest now?" Jobe asks with a kiss on your head.

"Yeah, I think I am. Thank you so much angel." You say holding onto Jobe so tightly.

Your eyes close as you settle in to your slumber, the sound of Jobe's soft breathing humming you to sleep.

You drifted into your sleep feeling safe, loved and heard.


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