Jude ~ Drunk

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You sat awake in bed unable to fall asleep, you were waiting for your boyfriend Jude and you found it difficult to sleep without him. Jude was out with the Madrid boys at a club. He normally texted you through the night but tonight was different.

Jude wasn't answering his phone and he normally got home at 1am but it was almost 2:30am and he wasn't home.

After what felt like a lifetime of lying awake in bed worrying about your boyfriend you heard noise coming up the stairs.

"Jude?" You called out, to which there was no response.

"Jude!" You called out a little louder and your beautiful boyfriend burst through the door.

"There she isssss" Jude said stretching out his words.

"Yes, here I am, in bed, like most people at 2:30 in the morning." You said with a straight face.

"2:30? Really?" Jude questioned as he walked further in the room "my phone died" he said as he placed a kiss on your head.

"Omg, Jude you stink of alcohol" you said as you backed away from Jude's kiss.

"Give me a kiss right now" Jude said as he laughed a little too hard.

You places a soft peck on his lips, Jude got up to change his clothes and he began to stumble around, laughing to himself.

"Jude, how much have you had to drink?" You ask disapprovingly.

"A lot" he said as laughed even more.

"Come baby, sit down" you say as you get up to help guide him to the bed.

You began to help him take off his clothes.

"Ooooo if you wanted to get me naked you should have just said" Jude said with a smirk.

"As much as I love getting you naked, the only thing I want right now is to get you to bed." You say as you kiss his temple. "I'm going to get you some pyjama bottoms because it's a bit chilly tonight" you say as you turn your back for a few seconds.

The next thing you know you hear tumbling down the stairs. You run towards the staircase as you see Jude in his boxers getting up off the floor.

"I'm fine" he said as he makes a quick dash towards the living room.

"Jude, what are you doing you've got to come to bed." You say as you follow him down.

Jude turns on the speaker and connects your phone to it blaring out music for everyone to hear.

"Let's danceeee" he says as he extended his words.

Jude pulls you into him and dances around, you can't help laugh and smile because it's nice to see him let loose sometimes.

"Come baby, I think you need to drink some water, and then we can go to bed, does that sound ok." You ask trying to pull him towards a sofa.

"But I'm not tired" he slurred as he began to jump up and down "see I've got energy" he said as he came to an immediate stop. "Fuck" he said as he ran to the bathroom, the next thing you hear is Jude puking in the toilet. You rushed to his side as you rubbed his back firmly.

"Aww my baby, are you ok?" You asked as you planted kisses down his back.

"Yeah I think I need a drink" he said as he flushed the toilet.

"Shall I make you some tea baby"

"Yes please" he says as he washes out his mouth.

You make your way to the kitchen and make your boyfriend a cup of tea.

You come back out to find him laying on the sofa.

"You feeling ok" you ask him as you hand him his tea.

"I don't think I should drink that much anymore." Jude says as he adjusts his position.

"Not so fun on the way out is it." You say as you  rub his head soothingly.

"No it's really not" Jude says as he sips his tea. You smile and lean your head onto his chest.

"Here baby have a sip" Jude says as he places the cup to your lips.

"Thank you" you say as you try not to choke on the liquid that Jude practically forced down your throat.

"Shall we go up to bed now my love" you say as you hold onto his arm.

"Yeah let's go, I'm getting tired" he says

You stand up to make your way up stairs when you hear Jude call out to you.

"I need help" Jude says with his eyes half closed

You walk back towards him with a hint of amusement in your expression. You extend out you arms as Jude grabs onto them. You pull him up and he towers over you.

You attempt to walk towards the stairs and he pulls you back into him.

"Only joking" he says as he throws you into his arms and places kisses down your neck

"Jude, let's go to bed" you say laughing as his beard tickles your soft skin.

"I don't think I want to anymore" he says as he spins you around in his arms.

"Keep that up and you'll end up over the toilet again."

"Your probably right about that" he says laughing.

"Take me to bed please" you say as you lay your head on his chest.

"Alright beautiful" he said as he planted a kiss on your head and began to walk to the stairs.

He placed you into bed and got in next to you.

"Goodnight baby" you say as you snuggle into Jude.

"Night sweetheart" he says as he pulls you closer.

Kind of short sorry!!

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