Jobe ~ Over thinking

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You felt the absence and the empty space next to you as your eyes fluttered open, you scanned around the room searching for your boyfriend.

The last thing you remember you were laying against Jobe's chest, comfortable and content as you drifted off to sleep.

"Jobe" you croaked as you looked around the room, wondering if he had perhaps gone to the bathroom.

"Baby?" You called out again, a little clearer this time as you sat up straight in your bed.

You squinted your eyes trying to see through the darkness that filled the room.

There was still no sight of Jobe so you stood up from your bed and began to walk around to try and look for him.

You walked towards the stairs and paused at the top to listen to what sounded like a muffled banging noise.

Your face screwed up in confusion as you began following the sound through your home.

"Jobe?" You called out, the banging sound getting louder as you searched through each room that you walked passed.

Finally you came to a set of closed doors, you opened the sliding doors as you exposed Jobe's training room.

Jobe was standing in the middle of the room, ball at his feet as he launched it into the goal.

"Jobe?" You question as you bring the attention to yourself.

"Hi babe, did I wake you up? I'm sorry." He said as he caught his breath.

"What are you doing baby? It's 4 in the morning You should be in bed." You said as you walked over to him.

"I know, I just couldn't sleep." Jobe said as he wrapped his strong arms around you stroking your back gently.

"Why babe? What's on your mind?" You asked as you looked up at him.

"Nothing baby, I'm fine." Jobe responded unconvincingly as he placed his lips to your forehead.

"Talk to me gorgeous." You said softly as you looked him deeply in the eyes.

He exhaled loudly as he pulled you in even tighter, resting his head against yours.

"I just want to be better." Jobe said quietly.

"What do you mean better baby?" You asked softly as you stroked his back lovingly.

"At football, I want to be better, I hate it, they compare us all the time, I'm sick of it." Jobe said letting out a deep sigh as he shut his eyes tightly.

"You are amazing at football baby, you wouldn't be where you are right now if you weren't, remember that ok." You said as you placed a soft kiss to his chest.

"I know, but they still make me feel like I'm nothing compared to him." Jobe said letting go of you slightly so you were able to face each other.

"But baby, you're two years behind him, two years ago he wasn't where he is today, you have to remember that my darling, you're incredible at what you do, they are always going to find something to talk about, but please baby, for me, never ever doubt yourself." You said as you stroked your thumb against Jobe's cheek.

"You're right babe, people are always going to talk." Jobe said nodding as he tucked your hair behind your ear.

"Come on baby let's get some hot chocolate in you" you chuckled as you began walking towards the door.

Jobe followed closely behind and wrapped his arms around you from the back as you both walked towards the kitchen.

You chuckled as Jobe placed kisses against your sensitive neck, you turned to face him pecking a soft kiss to his lips as you turned back towards the kitchen cupboards.

You and Jobe spoke as you made hot chocolates for the both of you.

You sat in each others arms in your living room, hot chocolate in hand as you watched the sun slowly begin to rise.

"So pretty, maybe we should do this everyday." You chuckled as you sipped on your drink.

Jobe chuckled as he squeezed against your waist. "How did I get so lucky." He whispered into your ear as he pressed his lips to your temple lovingly.

"You're perfect baby, I'm the lucky one, believe me." You said as you looked up at him.

Jobe placed his hand gently against your neck as he lifted up your chin making it easier for him to attach his lips to yours.

Your kiss was slow and passionate, Jobe's lips felt plump and smooth against yours as you soaked in the love that he poured into you.

"I love you." Jobe whispered against your lips as he slowly went back in for more.

"I love you too" you whispered back before joining your desperate lips together again.



Sorry this was a little bit shorter than usual.

I don't know if you guys saw the update on my other book but basically I've been extremely busy with a lot of different things in my life so I will no longer be following a schedule for uploading but I promise I will write and post whenever I have the time xx I love you guys and thank you so much for your constant support.

In other news, I was wondering if you guys would be interested in a short story for Jude, it'll probably be about 5 or 6 parts, so it'll be a little bit more detailed and follow more of a story line than one of my normal uploads. Let me know what you guys think xx

Ily x till next time xx

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