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Chapter | One

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Chapter | One

The music in the nightclub blasted through the entire building, I was exhausted as hell, I couldn't wait for my shift to be over. I shook the drink in the shaker that laid confidently in my hand as I put on a show for the drunk people around me.

Juggling it and catching it carelessly and perfectly. "Wow, make me a drink next?" A man called out, an impressed look on his face and a seducing smirk, except it wasn't seductive to me. It was gross.

I finished serving the drink and bumped shoulders with Clara, my best friend and co-bartender. "Take that guy, I might dent his face" I told her and she nodded, instantly knowing who it was.

I took over the guys she was serving instead. "Hi" A man called out, I smiled politely at the two and put two napkins on the counter. "What can I get you?" I ask the two.

One guy was brunette, blue-green eyes, an odd mixture between both. A huge smile was plastered across his face.

"Martini, please" he replied, probably sensing I was done with the flirting and all of the drunk remarks.

"The usual" The other man replied, I nodded and shot him a smile. I recognized him all too well. "Is it busy tonight?" He asked. His name was Jamie, he came often.

"A tad, not too bad. Though all of the douchebags are out tonight" I said and nodded my head over towards Clara who was dealing with the guys she had taken over from me.

"I don't know how you do it" Jamie said and I chuckled before serving them both their drinks. "Guys like you two keep me sane" I say and shoot the brunette a wink, he broke into a grin.

"Aw, I'll see you later, Izzy" Jamie called out and I nodded in return, I switched with Clara again and hours later. It was time for us to close the nightclub.

I caught a cab and headed home, only to hear the sound of a party, bouncing off of the walls in the hallway of the apartments on the second floor. My floor.

I groaned as I realized it would probably be going on till shit in the morning. It was four AM, I wanted to sleep. I needed sleep.

The closer I came to my apartment, the louder the music became. I realized it was my new neighbor, the guy I hadn't even met yet. Even so he had managed to piss me off a couple of times with his late and loud parties.

I felt like an old lady, getting cranky over a party. During the day I was editing books for other big authors and during the night I was working at the club.

I really needed sleep. I debated on whether or not to knock on the door, even though my new dear neighbor probably wouldn't even hear it.

I grumbled under my breath in annoyance and unlocked my apartment, glaring at the door next to me. "Prick" I muttered before stepping into my dark apartment.

I turned on the lights and locked the door behind me. I immediately took a shower to wash the night off of my skin. I settled into an oversized jersey and a pair of shorts.

I put on my screen glasses and began to respond to messages on my phone, then I put it down on my nightstand and took my glasses off. It wasn't even close to being quiet.

I sighed in annoyance, but decided to try and fall asleep anyways. My eyes closed from exhaustion, but even so sleep didn't take me away.

Forty minutes later I groaned and shot up in my bed. "Fucking hell" I could hear people chant through the walls. I got out of my bed and went for the door.

I banged my fist on the door, my anger taking over my attempt to remain calm. To my surprise the door opened and a guy who was obviously drunk as hell stood there.

"Do you live here?" I ask him, with a raised eyebrow. "No, darling. But I can take you to the guilty man" He offered and I scrunched my face in disdain.

"No thanks, can you just please ask him to turn it a bit down?" I ask and turn on my heel. "Hey bro!" He then shouts to someone in the apartment and closes the door

I had barely closed my door when the music was turned up instead. Count to ten, calm your shit. It's just boyish jokes.

"Okay, fuck it" I retorted to myself and walked back out, banging my fist on the door once again. Almost as if they were waiting, the same guy that answered before opened with a new guy next to him.

I had seen him before, earlier? At the club with Jamie.

"You?" I retorted in disbelief at the guy, who looked equally surprised, but his surprise turned into a grin. "Turn the music down. Someone worked all day. Thanks" I retort and shake my head in disbelief and turn on my heel.

"Wait, wait!" The guy shouts and runs after me, he grabs my wrist and I pull it from his hold. "What now?" I ask with annoyance.

"I'm sorry, we were just having fun. I'll turn the music down" He says and I narrow my eyes. He's my new neighbor? Oh fucking hell.

"You? You're the new guy? Great" I remarked and sighed. "I am, sorry to have disturbed your night" He said and smiled. His smile was annoyingly charming, but I didn't fall for that.

"What's your name?" I ask him. "Taron Eg–Edwards. Taron Edwards" He corrected himself quickly and I raised a brow at his mistake.

"Well, Taron. Stop pissing me off and messing with my sleep schedule and we won't have a problem" I retort and shoot him a sarcastic smile. I open my door and slam it in his face after I walk in. "I'm sorry" He calls out. I ignore him and shortly after I hear the music is turned down. Thank fuck.

It was low enough for me to be able to fall asleep. Though it was quickly interrupted by my alarm. 8 in the morning, I huffed in annoyance from the lack of sleep, but got up anyway.

I had a book to edit, so I went for a morning run to get my head straight and awake. I ran for an hour before making my way back to the familiar building. I saw multiple people exit the apartment building and I could see most of them were from Taron's little party.

I glared at all of them as I made my way up the stairs. There he was, standing in the doorway, talking to his friends and I just ignored him. I unlocked my door and slammed it after me.

I hopped in my shower and put on fresh underwear choosing a white lace set. I had a date tonight, though I didn't get further than my underwear when someone knocked on my door.

I sighed as I had an idea of who it was, I wrapped a silk robe around my body before going for the door. "Yes?" I said when I opened the door and chuckled at the fact that I was right.

It was Taron.

"I just want to say that I'm sorry, I don't want a neighbor war or something like that. As you know I just moved in and we were celebrating" He said, I nodded my head and tilted my head with a glare flashing in my eyes.

His eyes traveled down my body, the valley of my breast was visible. "Okay, anything else?" I questioned, his eyes snapped back up to my eyes. "What's your name?" He asked, he almost sounded stunned, breathless even.

"Will you leave me alone if I tell you? I do have work to do" I question with a cocky look. "Yes, I'll go if you tell me" He assured me with a small smirk.

"Isobel" I say and he nods. "Does a last name come with Isobel or?" Taron asked.

I raised a brow at his cocky tone. "You're ballsy" I commented before scoffing. "Willis, the last name is Willis" I added, he grinned at my response, there was something about his eyes.

It held cockiness, sarcasm and a teasing way in them. That was the moment I knew he would continue to be a pain in my ass.

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