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Chapter | Three

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Chapter | Three

The next week it was quiet next door, I would almost suspect that Taron was out of town. Which I of course celebrated. Michael stayed over a couple of times and we enjoyed the silence.

I had gotten sleep, the actual hours I needed to be able to look presentable at work and I was able to finish editing another book. So, I got started on another book, editing and making notes for the author to rewrite or remember.

It felt like everything went back to normal after Taron was out of town, I loved it.

Now, on a saturday night, I was bartending once again. Clara was by my side once again and we worked drinks over the counter like we breathed air.

During a slow part of the evening, Clara was dancing behind the counter to the music. I bopped my head as I scanned the crowd.

My brows furrowed when I saw Michael. He was with his friend Sean and two girls, he had his arm around one of them and I frowned a little.

"Clara, I'm gonna catch a five minute break. I'll be right back" I told her. She nodded her head and sipped her drink.

"Michael?" I called out and tapped his shoulder, his eyes widened and he looked down at the girl under his arm. I looked at her hand that was placed on his chest, an engagement ring placed on her finger.

I didn't have to wait for him to talk to understand what was going on. "Your card was declined, but it's covered by the club. Don't worry" I said and turned on my heel.

I felt his hand brush my shoulder. "Iz" He called out, but I continued walking away. My heart throbbed in pain, but I pushed it down.

Perhaps my three month rule was set too low? Maybe I would have to go six months before sleeping with a guy? I'm tired of trusting blindly.

Clara saw the murderous look on my face, but didn't say anything. Not until I mixed a drink for myself. "You okay? You usually never drink at work?" Clara asked.

"I do tonight" I told her and downed the drink in one go. "Fucker cheated, didn't he?" Clara asked me, I chuckled dryly. "He has a fiancé" I tell her.

Clara whistled loudly and waved her hand to Diego, the bouncer. "Diego, that guy over there fucked over Izzy, boot him" I couldn't but smile at the girl and she wrapped her arm around my shoulders as we watched Diego approach Michael.

Michael questioned the reason he was thrown out, Diego wanted him to resist so he could throw him out on his ass. Which he did when Michael shoved Diego.

Michael looked our way, I saluted him like a military man and turned my hand flipping him my middle finger instead. He shook his head and clenched his jaw.

"You're so fucking badass" Clara laughed and poured shots. Though when I had downed one and were about to swallow, the face that haunted me for nights came into my view.

I spit the shot out and Taron grinned provocatively. "Saw your boyfriend getting bounced? Is that some sort of dirty foreplay?" He asked and I glared at him and wiped my lip.

"Piss off, Taron" I retorted and poured myself a new shot and downed it. He eyed me with confusion, but I just ignored it. He didn't know shit and he didn't need to.

"Can I get you anything?" Clara asked Taron, he gave her his order and I began to make a new drink for myself. Then customers began to come to the bar, so I started serving people, Taron had walked away at some point.

"That dude was worried about you, who is he?" Clara called out. "He's my loud as fuck neighbor" I retorted and she snorted.

"He's hot" Clara commented. "Yeah, but his personality ruins it" I retorted, making her laugh once again.

I didn't hold back the entire night, I was drinking, flirting and dancing while serving drunk people. Clara tried to keep up and by the time we had to close the bar, we had four guys wanting to take us on to a new party.

They drove us to what looked exactly like my apartment building. I narrowed my eyes, was this a prank? A bad joke that I didn't get?

They surely enough stopped at the building, Clara noticed and looked at me confused. We got out even so, the four guys walked upstairs and even stopped at the same floor I lived on.

"Hey, uhm, who's party is this?" Clara asked as we walked down the hallway. "A guy we know named Taron, he's a cool dude, don't worry" He assured us.

The glare on my face made Clara burst out laughing and so the four opened the door to the apartment I had been begging to remain quiet.

Music bounced off of the walls, the entire apartment was filled with people, models even a few famous people? I swore I saw Pedro Pascal somewhere in the crowd.

Though I was so drunk, I wouldn't put it past me to see things. Clara held onto my hand as the four guys led us further into the living room. There were even lights set up, they were blinking to the beat of the music. It was annoyingly impressive.

Two of the guys danced around me and pulled me close, while the other two did the same with Clara. Luckily I hadn't even seen Taron yet.

I let loose and grind back into the guy holding onto my hips, I move forward to the other dancing against my front.

For a second I don't feel the other guy behind me, but as I turn my head to look, a hand pushes my head in the other direction and I feel his hands back on my hips.

Though his hands feel different, I don't question it and continue dancing with both guys. The guy behind me slowly pushed my hair off of my shoulder, his lips connected to my skin and he pressed small slobbery kisses and bites to my neck.

I moan a little over the music and lean my head back against the guy behind me, I bit my lip as the music hit harder and suddenly the guy in front of me backed off, sending a smirk my way. Why I don't know.

"Enjoying yourself?" A voice asked in my ear, his voice gave me chills and I immediately pulled away from him the second I recognized him. Taron.

"What the fuck" I blurted out in surprise and horror at the same time. "What? Don't pretend like you didn't know it was me, Iz" He said with a smirk and held his arms out.

"I didn't–""--Bull" Taron said and stepped closer to me, which made me step back. "I'm proud of you for dumping that piece of shit" Taron added with amusement in his voice.

I turned on my heel and hid in the crowd, I succeeded because Taron began looking around, despite the lights flickering on everyone.

I make my way to the door only to bump into who looked a lot like Pedro Pascal. "What the fuck" I mumbled and rubbed my eyes. "You okay?" His voice sounded like him.

"I've drunk way too much, excuse me" I said and walked around him before leaving Taron's apartment. There's no way Pedro Pascal was in Taron's apartment, not to mention one of his parties...

I'm losing it.

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