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Chapter | Twenty Eight

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Chapter | Twenty Eight

A week later, Taron stayed by my side at all times, as much as I would allow him. We hadn't had sex yet, he had eaten me out on his couch that day, but he didn't try to take it further, as I had told him not to.

His small trust exercise continued throughout the week, the man thought of everything and every way possible to get my trust back. Not just sexually, I let him take me out in the city, showing me how he handled fans and women hitting on him if it happened.

We had fun even though the pressure of the rebuilt trust was hovering over our heads. Taron had tried to convince me at least five times in the last seven days that I should stay.

When I had told him that I couldn't get my apartment back and that I was signing the lease on the other apartment next week, he grew desperate. He had begged me to move in with him instead. Where that came from, I had no idea. But the idea of me being thirty minutes away from him, was apparently an eye opener for him.

I had said no. Not because I didn't want to, I did. But not right now, I needed that trust back.

At this very moment, I had excused myself to the restroom as Taron and I had been out for dinner. When I came back, I saw a gorgeous woman in my seat, talking to Taron.

He looked bothered by her and so I stayed back, trying to hear the conversation. "I'm moved that you love my movies, but I'm just not interested" Taron said and touched his heart.

"Aren't you single?" The woman scoffed and gave him an annoyed look. "Does it matter if I am or not? I said I wasn't interested, that should be enough for you to back off" Taron retorted, his frustration clear as day.

Yet the woman didn't move.

"You're taking up my date's seat. Are you gonna move or do we have to leave because you don't understand a rejection?" Taron questioned her.

She scoffed at him and stood up. "I don't see a date here, so maybe you're just a dick" She retorted and left. Taron snorted at her as she left and when I walked up to our table, his amusement died down.

"I'm full, wanna get out of here?" Taron asked me and smiled. "That woman looked pissed, did something happen?" I ask him amused.

Taron eyes me before smiling a bit as he stands up. "She just didn't like rejection," Taron said before putting his hand on my lower back. "Let's get out of here" He said and guided me in the direction of the entrance. 

We walked in peace to his car, though I noticed a few people snapping pictures of Taron, it was kind of...fun to see, I hadn't expected it to be, but it was.

Even though most of the girls were swooning over him, I knew he was only interested in me, he was mine. I smiled a little at the fact alone, Taron noticed, however he didn't question it, he just smiled as well as we approached his car.

"I have a few interviews in the next upcoming week, so I'll be gone for a few days" Taron said as he opened the door for me, he glanced over his shoulder and eyed the fans that had apparently followed us.

"Aw" I pouted and Taron smiled back at me. "I'm sorry" He said and flashed me a toothy grin, he slammed the door close when I was seated in the passenger seat, then he walked around the car to his own side.

He got in and drove us home. "I'll pick up a shift or two then, might as well spend the free time conveniently" I said and got my phone out to text Torrance– but Taron snatched my phone.

"No" He protested in all seriousness. I frowned a little and raised an eyebrow at the way he took my phone and had the audacity to say no. It wasn't a suggestion.

"No?" I asked. "No" Taron confirmed as he looked ahead of him and drove. I chuckled dryly and turned to him in my seat. "Excuse me? That's not your decision to make" I scoffed.

Taron sighed as he knew where this was going. "Izzy, I'm not trying to be the bad guy here. You got a schedule, you said yes to not working as much when Torrance asked you, don't take anymore work on your shoulders" Taron exclaimed.

"I think I'll be the judge of that, Taron. I'm moving at the end of the month, I need the money...you're away anyways, what's wrong with me working while you're gone?" I ask with a scoff and cross my arms.

"As I've tried to tell you a million times, Iz. I'm worried every time you walk out of that door and go to that place" Taron said, desperation laced in his words and I knew he was truly worried.

"Taron, it was one time–""--Which turns out not to be true. Clara told me that you have gotten assaulted three times before, nothing has changed, it's not new mindsets coming into that club, Iz" Taron cut me off and shot me a sharp look.

I glared at him for talking to Clara about my time at the club. "It was years ago and it's four assaults in the last six years. It's safe" I insisted.

"How can you even use 'it's four assaults' and 'it's safe' in the same sentence? It's not safe, there's a reason it's happened four fucking times, Iz. Don't mistake the number for safety" Taron snapped at me.

My cheeks heated from anger and I knew my face was red as a tomato. "If I didn't feel safe, I wouldn't go to work there. Okay?" I said, trying to remain calm.

It was hard, he was making it hard.

"Isobel, it is not safe! Serena got groped last weekend–""-Oh yeah? Did Clara tell you that as well?" I retorted as I cut him off. Taron shot me a sharp look and I rolled my eyes and looked away from him.

"I'm just trying to help you, I can't be there for you if anything happens and I'm away" Taron said with a sigh, he glanced at me. But I continued to look away.

The truth was that I had been thinking about quitting, but I didn't want Taron to think it was because of what he wanted.

Call me stubborn, but the man and our trust in this relationship was a long road of work. I did want to move in with him and I knew that was also what he was trying to offer, after I had already said no because of the work we had cut out for us.

Working on getting my trust back wasn't going to come if we moved in together before it was restored. I was partly afraid that Taron was only suggesting moving together because he wanted me out of that club for good. Because he was afraid of me getting hurt, I understood, I did. But that wasn't a good enough reason for us to move together.

When Taron pulled up at our apartment building, I was a bit relieved that the torturous silence was over and we could leave the car. Though when I grabbed the handle to exit his car, the locks clicked and I pulled helplessly at the handle. "Taron, stop" I scolded him as I turned around to glare at him.

"Why can't you see I'm just trying to help you?" Taron said, he was worked up and so was I. "Because, you're not. You're trying to help yourself, you're worrying about me all the time without reason and now you want me to quit my job to calm your mind?" I said, I was near to being calm, I hadn't raised my voice despite the frustration.

"No, well–no, I want to move together because I love you and I don't want you to slip further away from me than you already have" Taron snapped, he had raised his voice in frustration. His words hit me hard.

"I want this because I want you, no other reason. Yes, I worry about you every time you go to that goddamn place, but that isn't the reason that I want you to move in with me. It's out of love, not anything else, Iz" Taron said breathlessly with frustration.

"Taron, first of all; I'm not moving away from us, I'm moving because I made a decision while heartbroken. The situation is not the same anymore. Second of all; I can take care of myself, Taron. Please, believe me when I say that, I know how to handle situations at the club, please have a bit of faith in me. I handled everything for six years before I met you" I said and reached out to cup his cheek with my hand, he looked into my eyes and sighed in defeat, he slowly nodded his head and the sound of the doors unlocking filled the silence.

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