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Chapter | Ten

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Chapter | Ten

If he had kissed me, even in the vulnerable and weak state I was in last night, I still would've kissed him back. He was kind the entire night, we sat there for hours till I felt strong enough to scold him for jumping over on my balcony.

He had only laughed at me and still held me closer, despite how many times I tried to scold him or insult him to let me go. He didn't.

When it became late, Taron had sent me on my way back inside into my bed. I flipped him my middle finger as I walked away, his laughter was the only thing I heard till I had closed the glass door behind me.

To my surprise Taron had showed up at my door by lunch with food. Which is how we now sat in my living room, eating together.

"I didn't know that you could sing, nor play guitar" I said and Taron just winked at me. "I can do lots of things" He said and smirked a little cockier.

"Let's not go there" I shut him down, making him laugh. "I'm starting to think that you're warming up to me, Miss Willis," Taron commented.

"You wish" I retorted and looked back up at him only to realize how close our faces were, my smile dropped a bit, so did Taron's. His eyes traveled to my lips and my breath hitched in my throat.

"Iz..." Taron muttered, his eyes went back to my eyes and I swallowed the lump in my throat, fuck it.

As I leaned forward, Taron met me halfway and crashed his lips onto mine. His hands pulled me closer as they settled around my waist, while my arms wrapped around his neck.

He instantly deepened the kiss, our tongues danced. It felt right, so right. I didn't have it in me to stop, which I'm guessing Taron felt the same about, he pulled me onto his lap, straddling him on my couch.

My hands raked through his hair as the innocent kiss turned more darker and heated, Taron pulled away from the kiss only to push my hair over my shoulder, to gain access to my neck.

His lips immediately attached to my skin, a small innocent moan left my mouth as his hand let go of my waist and wrapped around the back of my neck.

He left bites and kisses down my neck and felt just how right it was. Yet, I knew I had to pull away, for my own sake.

I pulled Taron's face back up to mine, cupping his cheeks in my hands, smirking at him when he leaned in to kiss me again, but I pulled back.

"Oh fuck, don't tease me now. Save it for tomorrow" Taron begged with pouty lips. I chuckled and shook my head at him.

"We should stop though" I half whisper as I run my thumb gently over his right cheek bone. "Let me take you out tomorrow night" Taron offered, but he wasn't really asking, he was charming my ass to say yes.

He squeezed my ass as I gave him a hesitant teasing look, he glared at me as his free hand was wrapped around my waist, keeping me in place.

"I don't think I can support your cockiness, I'll have to pass-""--Nuh-uh, don't do that. Not now, say yes, please" Taron ranted and held me closer.

"Oh wow, a 'please' and everything? You must be serious, huh?" I teased him and he once again shot me a glare. He was in a vulnerable state, I could easily reject him even while straddling him.

"What would happen if I said no?" I ask him and tilt my head a little with a smirk on my face. "I would just come over anyway, I know you want to" Taron retorted with a scoff, to hide his nerves.

"I could lock the doors" I say and laugh a little as he narrows his eyes. "I'll call the landlord, he loves me. I'll get a key in no time" He challenged.

"That's a lot of effort for a date" I note and Taron continues to glare at me as I drag my answer out.

"I guess I'll have to say yes then" I added and Taron responded to that by wrapping his hand around the back of my neck once again and pulling my head down as he crashed his lips onto mine.

This time I didn't stop the kiss, I knew I had to soon, though. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to regain self control. But I just needed a bit more...

My fingers had somehow begun to tug at Taron's t-shirt, I don't know how that happened, but he stopped me and paused for a second.

"Are you sure you want to go there? All jokes aside?" He asked breathlessly. "I want to wait" I whispered against his lips and let go of his shirt, Taron nodded and pecked my lips a few times and then my face before pushing me back into the couch.

He hovered over me as he settled between my legs. "Movie?" He suggested. My lips curved up into a smile and I nodded and he grinned down at me, before kissing me again, this time I locked my legs around his waist and pulled him back down against me.

He laughed in the kiss before taking control once again, I couldn't stop now that I've tasted him. His lips felt amazing on mine, it was something I wasn't prepared to let go.

Though when we pulled away for air he rested his forehead on mine and gazed into my eyes. "We do have a date tomorrow night, just making that clear so you can't back out now" Taron said and grinned a little.

"I wouldn't dream of it" I half whisper, Taron smiles a little before kissing me once again.

The rest of the day, we had put on movies till he had to go out for dinner. Though we didn't watch much of the movies, his lips had been too appealing to me.

It really wasn't fair to be this attracted to him. Nowhere near fair, actually.

I had already forgotten everything about Michael, he was long gone and out of my life and my head. He couldn't compare to Taron, just his kisses alone and the way he is with me, Michael was a dick.

Taron was a golden retriever disguised as a cocky, flirty guy. And truth to be told, I was excited as hell to go out with Taron tomorrow night.

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